How Much I Love You. [Kano x Yandere!Reader - SPECIAL.]

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[Just a special yandere chapter! But with YOU as the yandere!]

[Not a request]  [Warning: Violence + Character death.]

You love Kano. 

How  much you love him, you will show  him one day.

You were walking to the front door, ready to go shopping. You smiled happily, thinking of how  happy Kano would be when he eats his favorite meal tonight for dinner... A light blush came on your cheeks. Oh, How  you loved him.. You just loved him so much it was hard to put into words.

You were crazy for him.

You stepped out the door, there you saw  Kido and Kano talking. Kido had  a light blush on her cheeks from Kano's teasing. You felt like ripping her head off. You forced a smile,"Ahaha. Stop teasing her, Kano." You gritted your teeth.

Kano grinned,"But she likes it~"

"Idiot!"Kido hit him upside the head, making him yelp in pain. She huffed then looked to you,"Come on, [Name], Let's go shopping."

"Okay~"You beamed 'happily'. You left the laughing Kano, walking with Kido to the shops.

This had been going on for too long.

You knew  they were siblings, so you shouldn't think they're flirting..But.. Your eyes narrowed as you walked behind the tall green haired girl. You couldn't help it. You wanted her gone. You wanted Kano all to yourself..

Thoughts of  'making her not exist spread around your mind.

Oh, If she didn't exist... It'd be amazing. Just amazing.

A wide, crazy grin spread across your face. Your [eye color] eyes darkened. 

Time to make her not exist~

"Kido, I know  a short cut." You said, making her stop. She turned to you.

"Shortcut?" She asked.

"Yeah!"You cheerfully pointed to an alley way," We cut through here, then we're just about there!" She sent you an unsure look..

"Are you sure, [Name]?"

"I'm sure. Come on." You gently grabbed her arm, pulling her along into the dark, long alley. It smelled of different kind of things and it was a disgusting place.. There was a beautifully placed dumperster right up ahead.

A smile spread across your face. You took out a hair band, tying your [hair color] hair up and out of the way. You stopped in your tracks,"Kido."

Kido stopped then turned, looking back at you,"Hm?"

All of a sudden, you punched her in her face. She let out a yelp of pain and out of surprise, fell down. Kido looked up at you, "What the hell,[Name]?!"

 Your expression darkened. You walked and stood over her," You were in the way, Kido.  " You spoke darkly,"Kano is mine."

Her eyes widened,"[Name]?!" Still on the ground, she backed away. You just 'sweetly' laughed, getting closer and closer to her. You looked on the side, seeing a large rock. You bent over, managing to pick it up and with an evil, wide and just plain crazy grin, you walked faster to her.

Her back hit the dumperster side. She was breathing heavily and her eyes wide, her face pale.

"Goodbye, Leader~~!"You cheerfully said, throwing the large rock down. It went right on her face, crushing it, making blood spatter  on you and the walls and dumpster side.

She was gone.

"Ahaha. That was quick."You laughed. You smiled at the sight. "So easy too."

She was gone now. Kano was all yours.

"...[Name].."You heard a terrified voice speak from behind you. Your shoulders tensed. That voice..

You turned around, your eyes wide, seeing Kano with tears streaming down his cheeks. 

Who knew  you were capable of doing that..

"I knew  there was something up with you...!"The horrified Kano said, backing away.

A crazy grin spread across you face,"Kano..Don't run!"You ran towards him, catching him in time before he left the alley way.  You hugged him close,"That is just how much i love you!" You sweetly laughed," You're mine now, Kano~ You'll always be."

You could feel Kano's heart racing. It was clear that he was scared and a number of other emotions.

"Be a good boy, Kano. " You smiled darkly,"If you don't want  to end up like ghost girl." Your hug on him got tightened.

 You two went back to the Dan.

Seto looked up from the couch,"Hm? Didn't Kido go with you?"He asked you.

"Yeah. But she decided to do the shopping herself.." You explained, an innocent smile on your face. Kano put his mask on, a wide grin on his face.

"What a loner~~"Kano beamed.

Seto chuckled, shaking his head,"Okay then." He looked back down to the book he was reading to Mary, who was leaning on him, a smile on her face.

You smiled,"I'm going to get a snack."Like nothing happened, you just went to the kitchen, leaving the others and made yourself a snack, your favorite snack to have. It was [fave snack]! The best, in your opinion anyway.

You started to eat it, heading back to the room you were in before..

"Are you okay, Kano? You're pretty pale.."Momo mumbled, leaning close to him to feel his temperature.

Your eyes glinted with a murderous rage.

Kano swallowed hard,"I'm fine..!"

Well, Lying is what he does best, isn't it? It looks like you have yet another girl to erase from existance. A smile spread across your lips.

How fun!

You wouldn't even mind killing them all.

A life of just you and Kano.. You're all he needs and he's all you need.

You walked up to them, "Momo! I was wondering.. Can we go clothes shopping tomorrow? You have good taste in clothes!"You grinned.

Momo blinked in surprise then smiled,"Uhm. Sure!"

"Uwahh! I wanna come!"Mary beamed.

Hm..Well, It wouldn't hurt to get rid of her too.

You grinned. No, It wouldn't hurt at all.

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