When Louis comes back from tour the first thing he does is dumps his stuff, holds you by your waist, kisses you gently on the lips and hugs you.He then freshens up and you guys spend the rest of the day playing Fifa, talking and cuddling with each other...
When Zayn comes back from tour he freshens up as he is very specific about hygiene.You both go for a small walk after dinner and then when you're in bed, he cuddles with you,your head burried in his chest and he inhaling the scent of your hair whispering how much he loves you into your ear.
Liam usually hugs you real tight and he kisses you with passion. He later helps you with dinner and then you guys are either on your gaming consoles or talk about what happened when he was gone.You guys listen to good music that soothes him of the stress that he has been through for the last couple of months. He plays with your hair when you go to bed and you both cuddle.
Niall is a very loud person and you know he is back when you hear loud music blaring from his car's stereo. Once he is inside he'll scream," I'm back looove" and hug you leaving you breathless! You both then order pizzas and end up having a movie marathon and cuddling under a blanket and you both fall asleep on the couch.
Harry usually loves to surprise you from behind which literally scares you!He hugs you from behind, whispering " I love you" and kisses your cheek. You let him rest while you make dinner and after that you both go for a walk and get ice-creams on your way back home. While going to bed he takes your hand in his hands,interlacing them and whispering how much he missed you.
A/N- Hope you guys like this and please don't forget to vote if you like it. Thanks. Stay fab! Lysm!
Ohh it's Niall's birthday tomorrow and I am soooo excited!!!!