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"Omg! You're so handsome!"

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"Omg! You're so handsome!"

Jin's chuckle was heard through the mic. "I am Worldwide Handsome" Those words caused more fans to scream. It was surprising to Jin that he was getting so much attention.

He is the worst member out of the group, at least in his opinion. The fan meeting was almost over, only one more question could be asked by a fan.

The fan took the microphone and locked eyes with Jin, locking eyes isn't always a good thing. "Why is Jin still a part of the group? He sucks at singing and can't keep up with the choreography"

She had no emotion in her eyes as they were still locked with Jin's. "Leave already!" She screamed before Namjoon stood up. "This fan meeting is over! We will see our Army next time!"

All the members stood up and walked to their car, still shocked by the girl's outburst. "Jin-hyung don't listen to her! You're the most bestest hyung ever!"

"Thanks Tae and don't look so sad! Smile" Taehyung gave his box smile and hugged Jin tightly. Taehyung looked up to Jin, he didn't care what the fans say about Jin, he loved his hyung no matter what.

They members got to the house and quickly got inside. "Hyung, I'm so sorry about what that girl said about you! Y-you don't deserve it.." The members agreed with Jimin.

Jimin started crying and hugging Jin and soon Taehyung was doing the same. "Yuh! I'm fine! Please just stop crying you two. You're gonna make me cry and crying doesn't look good on my handsome face"

The two laughed and stop crying. "Thanks Hyung..." Jin smiled at the two and ruffled their hair. "Now.. Who's hungry?" All the members replied with 'me' except lil meow meow because he was sleeping.

Jin decided to make Japchae, Taehyung's favorite, and called everyone to eat. Jin put Yoongi's food away for when he wakes up, if he ever wakes up that is.

"Thanks hyung!" Tae and Jimin said with their mouths full of food. "Ew! You're welcome and close your mouths!" They two nodded and closed their mouths as they chewed.

After everyone was done, Jin took the dishes to the sink. "Let me help" Jin was startled by a voice but realized it was only Namjoon. "S-sure" The older's cheeks flushed red as Namjoon smiled at him before turning to the dishes.

Truth be told, Jin has had a huge crush on Namjoon for the past year and was flustered a lot by him. They would casually play Mario Kart or just talked, which ever one was fine with Jin.

"I'm sorry..." Jin was confused on why Namjoon apologized to him, he hadn't done anything wrong. "For what?" Namjoon hesitated before sighing. "For not saying anything to that girl when she insulted you. You're way too precious to be talked about like that..."

Namjoon's words made Jin's heart flutter and he was soon flustered again. Precious?... "Joonie, there was nothing to say to her... I'm fine and plus she's probably just jealous of my handsome face!"

Namjoon laughed and it sounded like moans to his ears... (Whoops I meant heaven) He had to hear it again. "Wanna hear a joke about paper?"

"Sure" Namjoon said as he smiled, showing his dimples. "Never mind, it's tearable" Namjoon laughed once more, making Jin's heart flutter at the sound.

They started to have a bubble fight, which Jin had started. Jin threw bubbles at Namjoon's face and hair. Namjoon laughed and threw bubbles with a little bit of water at Jin, making his shirt wet.

"Oh sorry" Namjoon's face turned red as he realized what he did. "It's fine" Jin started laughing making Namjoon laugh along with him. "We should probably hurry up..."

"Yea" Namjoon grabbed another dish and started washing it, Jin doing the same as well. They soon finished the dishes and made their way to the living room. "Guys! We have fan mail!"

The other members soon were in the living room, even lil meow meow. Namjoon gave each member their fan mail and they all started to open them.

"Taehyung, you're so sweet and your box smile is adorable! - Kim Seokgi" Tae read out loud as he was smiling. "They're not lying, your smile is adorable" Jungkook said making Tae blush before mumbling 'thanks'

Most of the members got letters of saying how much their Army adored them and how cute they are. Some members even got shirts and cups, it was fun to see what people wanted to give them.

Of course there was hate mail too but the majority of the mail was good. Jin open some of his letters and things. 'Jin-hyung, you are very handsome and talented! Don't give up :) - Park Yeokkum"

The words warmed Jin's heart making him smile as he went to open the next letter. 'You're a disgrace to Bts. You can't sing or dance, just give up! You're worthless! It's not like anyone would care if you left the group or died... -Anonymous'

Those words stung Jin's heart. He stared at the note before mumbling 'I know I'm worthless.' He was the worthless one, he couldn't sing or dance.

Jimin and J-hope were great dancers, Yoongi and Namjoon were great rappers and Taehyung and Jungkook were great vocalists so where did he belong?

"Jin-ah! What's wrong?" Tae and Jimin looked at Jin with worried eyes. Of course Jin couldn't tell them about the note and his feelings, he was the oldest so he had to be strong for them.

So, he followed his own advice, smile. "Ah! I'm fine Taehyungie and Jiminie! I was just thinking" He looked at them and did what he could, he smiled.

"Oh thank god! We thought you were sad..." Jin smiled and ruffled their hair. "Nope! I'm fine..." Jin smiled was more to assure them that he was fine.

He had to be strong for them. To protect them.

Even if he has to hide behind his smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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