Let's start with a tag

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For reasons, I deleted my other two random books and take a long break from wattpad (which, looking back at it now was a mistake :/ )
Buuuuut I decided I wanted a random book back?
So here we are!

I've been tagged at least four times for this tag, and I thought to myself;
"Amanwen, you're bored and you need a distraction from dealing with life. You might as well start writing again! Hey, let's start with these tags shall we?"
So again, here we are! XD

Shout out to the glorious writers MamaStreet hufflepuffturtle LucyBoal & arwen_galadriel for tagging me!

(1). Name

Let's stick to Amanwen shall we? ;)

(2). Zodiac sign

Leo, though I don't really follow this stuff.

(3). Favorite food

Hmm...I don't know if I can choose a FAVORITE food.
But I will anything Italian or Mexican is amazing!
Basically, for me, anything cheesy, and pastas xD

(4). Jeans or shorts

Usually always jeans for me.

(5). Where are you from?

I'm not comfortable with giving out my exact location, so let's just stick with
'Born and raised in the USA'.

(6). Last book you read

I think the last book I read was The Storm Runner by Rick Riordan.
Or maybe I was re-reading Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, The Hammer of Thor by the same author.
I'm not sure.

(7). Favorite movie

Gotta go with LOTR, TTT.
Sure Peter Jackson screwed up a lot of things for the film, but I'm still in love with the movies!

(8). Dream vacation

Long have I desired to walk the streets of Cairo, travel to the Giza Plato, touch the pyramid of Khufu, stand next to the Sphinx!
I'll get out there some day.

(9). Eye color

Grey-blue, though my right eye has a slight touch of yellowish-brown by the pupil? Still trying to figure that one out.

(10). Natural hair color

Brown. Plain Jane brown.

(11). Height

5'1 exactly. Iz a smol bean  ;-;

(12). Introvert or Extrovert?

I'm actually more Ambriverted.

(13). Tea or coffee

It depends on the day really.
I enjoy both!

(14). Do you work our regularly?

'Work out' no, but I DO exercise a few times throughout every day.

(15). Favorite beverage

Sprite soda.
May not be healthy, but neither is having anxiety, and I'm pretty sure most people have that. So why not :/

(16). Do you have pets?

Ooh boy, do I ever.
Six cats and four dogs.
Our family is known for being the animal lovers!

(17). Your ideal day off

For me, it would be going on a hike to take some pictures, or a day out on the town with some friends. Maybe shoot my bow out in the woods then go for a swim.
Really just doing anything active out in warm weather!

(18). In a relationship, or single?

#SingleEllethSquad my dudes xD

(19). Something unique about me

I'm very empathetic and emotionally intelligent.
I can 'read' (or rather) 'feel' people I'm close to's feelings.
They can try to hide it all they want, (and may I say they're very good at it), but I can walk into the room their in and immediately just KNOW something's up.
I've been able to pick up on people having an anxiety attack just before they have it, and get an odd feeling in my gut a minute before people have a seizure. (it's happened twice so far)
I'm not really sure what this is or why it happens.
Maybe it's just me paying extreme attention to my surroundings and the people in them?

(20). Favorite season

Warm enough to walk around in shorts, but just cool enough to wear a hoodie by the camp fire and have a cookout ♥️

I'mma just say anyone reading this is tagged to do this if they please!


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