My life

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Chapter 1

well i can say my life isn't easy its hell it all started in primary school and to tell u not i swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth from my point of view in different sistuations.

Okay first day of primary school you know what its like you may not know anyone your nervous your mum is overly emotiounal and all well i saw a group of kids and said my names is faye the old lets be friends thing its all normal there and everything but a few months later there was a change in my mothers health i didn't understand a thing that was happeneing my dad wouldn't let me out of my room he lockeed me in there  and he wouldn't tell me what the hell was wrong i was only 5 for god sake i needed my mum but due to my mums epilepsy and a mixture of medicens my mum was slowly goin into sycosous for people who don't know what it is its a illness that changes ur personality you act remotaly crazy and you wont sleep eat or go away without a fight i didn't know this then but i learnt  in  time what it was after my dad finally let me out of my room i had a glimps of my mum i looked into her eyes and screamed " thats not my mum " ! and then i ran out of the room and sat out side it seemed to calm me down more.

As i grew older i witnesed alot of  things like my dad numerously getting arested taking care of my mum even when  she annoyed me or would fight me i was always there to make sure nothing to bad would happen but i could only handle the easy jobs the hard ones were yet to come ..

Chapter 2 

Okay well when i was 6 i was sick i had scabies but they weren't caused by dirt they were caused by my dad he hit me for being bad but the belt was covered in some chemical that wasn't found till after i was hit so i was out of school for 2 months i was devistated i didn't know what was happening it was like my dad did it to me on perpose but i still got to do my school work i just fell behind in my grades i was nearly kept down thx to my dad but then he tried to cover up by sending me to a tutor which brought up my grades but i was confuced because when i was little i was confuced all the time i didn't understand what was happening i saw things differently i was constantly curious in everything something about life intreged me and it led to alot of trouble like when i was 4 i was sitting with my dad in the lounge and i fell asleep and when i woke up i had a bead stuck in my ear i started to panic as my dad saw me he wanted to pull it out with a pair of tweesers which would make me deff but he tried till my grand pa  made my dad take me to hospital .....

Later i was in the childrens hospital waiting room i has docters screaming at me but i could barley hear them so i sat there as they examined me  as they saw my response they seemed worried shortly they had me with a oxigen mask and i think it had sleeping gass because as they were telling me it smelt like chocolate i must of passed out or something because i didn''t remember a thing after that .

They got the bead out but still to this day i am half deff in my left ear and i wont ever regain my hearing in that ear but i should be gratefull because im only half deff i don't notice it most of the time because i can still see hear and talk and comunicate like a normal person so thank god my pop helped me that day ....

Chapter 3

well when i was little i lost trust in people because as i saw slowly how people where i couldn't seem to trust them i got sent to numerous councilers and family members but they all seemed to be un-trustworthy at that time the people at school worried about me i just put on a smile and tried to enjoy school i had 2 bestfriends i still have to this day and i always keep there secrets i never told a soul but in grade 6 i acidently sad a secret about me friend  and i felt guilty as i didn't know why i said it i wish it was a sighn of peer presure but it wasn't i jst blerted that one secret and after a while people lost trust in me i wish i never said it.

Earlyer this year i was re-united with a old primary school friend that left in grade 1 but we got allone till we had a fight we called each other names and it got out of hand but this year i think i turned into the person i never wanted to be un-trusted and un- worthy of being friends with everyone i know the misstakes i've made and i know i've done wrong by people but id give anything to change the bad things i've done this year but i have done good  but sometimes the good things you do don't count for everything. When i started trusting people again i was in grade 5 i tried to tell my best friend a few secrets im pretty sure she kept them all but i still couldn't trust my mum or my dad nor family i knew i just couldn't , yes it would be a good thing telling mum because she would forget but the fact was she would tell my dad to remind her so i knew it wasn't a option. I love my mum to bit but she can be a pain in the butt at times so i just keep my distance from time to time to avoid any conflic and all because leon ( my lil bro ) didn't deserve any more drama than what he was goin through if i managed to be confuced all the time i can't imagin how confuced he was he bacicly would of been like a penut brain but i wont bag him coz its not far to say anything that he couldn't defend himself for.

Chapter 4

well life on my farm wasn't exactaly easy at times we would run out of food and have trouble getting me and my bro to school every day but in the end we fought through and now i've moved from my farm and its now a mushroom factory but there is more to this house that meets the eye.

Okay so when i was4 at the time i was  on holiday dad decided to move houses wthout telling me and my bro ( or i was to confuced to realise) anyway dad wanted me to be a free spirit and he didn't want me turning into a drug user or anything so he kept me away from that kinda stuff well sort of but you will find out soon what i mean ether way so i walk into my new house and i run into my room it was big and clean i remember seeing myself amazed by how big the room was i loved the fact of living there but there was just one problem . My grandmother is big when it comes to bad spirets and all so she walked into the house and she suddenly got a terrible vib from the house my grandma tried to warn dad that it was a evil place that it wasn;t safe but he didn't listen to her and now calma is slowly taking its revenge and now my dads heath was taken from him ......

Chapter 5

Ever since i was 2 dad wasn't all that well when i was 3 he had to go to hospital for 3 months to be checked because then he was 200kg and it was suspicious why he weighed so much so he had check ups and tests during that time. When i was 5 he didn't seem to be any better he was able to drive and he managed to move 2 houses but he wasn't any smaller and he was scared for his life because he was worried he would die in his sleep but luckly around tearm 4 of prep dad had good news well sort of when i was 4 dad went for surgery to get his gold stones taken out because that had something to do with his weight but when i was 5 the docters gave my dad a choose ether wait to die in his sleep or he can go through a big surgery which had 75% of failure dad choose to rise things and see if the surgery worked . Dad was in hospital alot longer the surgery was huriffic but it mad dad 125kg so it sort of sucsided untill... dad had to go through a whole lot of surgers then he was having trouble with his survival so he went through everything he could to not die he rised everything but when dad was goin through the healing prosses my dad mum had her first heart attack dad sighned himself out of hospital and tried driving the car but before he got out of the hospital gates ( because it had a huge fence around it ) dad crashed and hurt his spine badly he had to go for another surgery it wasn't the last of his adventures...

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⏰ Huling update: Sep 17, 2012 ⏰

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