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Eddie Kaspbrak is seated in his mother's beige Mustang, his nimble fingers drawing smiley faces in the condensation on the window. He silently thanks Sonia for insisting on escorting him to school; when he'd left his house it had only been drizzling.

  The drive to Derry High is horrendous. Eddie's mother rambles worriedly for the entirety of the journey. Warning him of the illnesses the cold would bestow upon him if he doesn't cover up properly. This is why the small boy is wrapped in various items of clothing which make him feel as if he's crammed into an oven.

  "Don't forget your inhaler honey! And don't forget to take your pills! You know how sick you could get!" Sonia babbles.

"I won't mommy."

He reaches into the back seat and grabs his sketchbook, tucking it into his jacket to ensure that it won't be touched by the unforgiving rain. Eddie sighs, leaning over to peck his mom on the cheek before his departure.

The moment he steps out of the car the boy is soaked, the harsh rain envelopes him in an unwanted embrace as the wind howls into his ears. Eddie cries out in displeasure before scurrying up the concrete stairs and into the school.

  Eddies chestnut hair is plastered to his forehead, blocking his view entirely as he searches for his locker. When he finally finds it the second warning bell has rung. The hallways are empty, with the exception of a few kids who loiter around until they feel like going to class.

  The boy flicks his head to the side, the tuft of damp hair that blindfolded him thrown back from his eyes. Eddie grins, his frost-kissed nose scrunching happily at the sight that greets him.

Leaning lazily against his beat up locker is Bill Denbrough. Eddie Kaspbrak's best friend. They'd met four years ago at summer camp. The unlikely duo shared a bunk bed and bonded over their adoration of Marvel comics and Twizzlers.

  "S-so? What'd she say, Ed?" Bill asks eagerly. Eddie huffs, entering the combination for his locker and slipping his books for the day into his backpack.

"She said yes. Only because I told her we were going to Bens with Stanley for a study sleepover!" Eddie answers.

  Bill's been badgering him non-stop about a party at Neibolt that night in celebration of Halloween. The idea doesn't appeal to Eddie at all. Being stuck in a house with a herd of sweaty teens? He'd probably contract some rare disease.

  The fact that the horror house probably crawls with men carrying chainsaws and various freakish monsters is slightly off-putting too. Despite his obvious distaste towards the event, Eddie decided to go. He's aware of the fact that his best friend had been looking forward to it for months now, and only wants to make him happy.

  "Awesome!" Bill exclaims noisily, earning crude looks from other students lurking in the hallway.
"So you're st-staying at mine? We c-can get ready there too!" He continues, unbothered by the stares the boys are receiving.
"Sure Bill, but we've got to get to class before we get a tardy." Eddie hums.

  The two trudge towards their French class, one of the only lessons they actually share. Along with Science and English Literature. Eddie knocks gently before opening the door, reminding himself to sanitize his hands once he sits down. It's a known fact that door handles are slathered in heaps of bacteria.

  The entire class turns to them, beady eyes scanning the couple before returning to their work. Their French teacher, Ms. Baltimore, shoots a stern look at the two, signaling for them to sit at the back of the room where there are a couple of spare desks.


  As much as he tries, Eddie can't concentrate on the tasks set. The words jump off the page and rearrange themselves, making them impossible to decipher. He can't stop himself from worrying about the party. The small boy glances at Bill, but he appears to be in deep concentration.

  Eddie's caught up wondering what could go wrong. What if he gets lost? Hurt even? Will it be safe? Are there going to be adults supervising them? This night is his worst nightmare come true.

  If Eddie had known what events would unravel that evening, perhaps he would've cancelled on Bill. Or perhaps he would 've made more effort to pretty himself up. But he doesn't know, and all that he can think of is which damn fanny pack he should wear with his nurse costume.

Authors Note:
That was probably shit but I don't really care. I've been wanting to write a reddie fanfic for a while now so well done me for actually doing it.  I honestly can't wait to see how this turns out!

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