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letizia shut her bible carefully, and packed her pastel highlighters away into her almost childish pencil case. she set aside two hours a night for bible study, and it was her favourite part of the day. it connected her with god, and she liked connecting with someone she viewed as family while mama was crying and papa was hitting the white-papered walls. today she didn't know what they were arguing about, but mama was yelling about some 'slut' called stacey.

the shouting could get too much for letizia sometimes. straightening her knee length white skirt and running her hand through caramel brown curls, she decided to go to the gas station to pick up some lollipops. the walk there was warm, and the evening sun beat down on her toffee coloured skin.


the bell on the heavy door sounded as letizia pushed her way in. strolling through the aisles, she picked up a fistful of cherry red and raspberry blue suckers. she peeked at the counter to see if anyone was there, and laid eyes on the most beautiful lady she'd ever seen.
her hair was artificially black, and collected into a messy bun on the top of her head. her head was supported by a pale, slender neck and shoulders so sharp letizia was sure she could kill. her eyes were piercing grey, the colour of clean stones and coffee mugs and clouds. but what drew the young girl to her were her lips. they were blushed, and chapped, and plump, and wet, and she clutched the cross hanging down her neck to get those thoughts out of her head. letizia shakily placed her lollies on the counter, and tucked curls behind her ear.

'hiya.' god, even her voice was beautiful. it was slightly harsh and hoarse, but calming.
'what's your name?' she furrowed her eyebrows, like she was trying to remember something.
'uh, letizia. letizia angelo.' her apple green eyes connected with the cashiers clouds.
'i'm abela fare. do you go to mariners high? i recognise you.' abela said casually, scanning each sucker individually.
'yes, i'm a junior.' letizia knew she was being a bit blunt, but her palms were sweating and her jaw was clenched.
'oh yeah, i do recognise you then. i'm a senior,' she chuckled. 'that schools shit though.'
letizia blushed at that profanity, but tried to control the reddening of her cheeks. she didn't want abela to think she was babyish.
'i don't mind it. i don't like the boys there.' that was true. she didn't like how they'd whisper naughty things to her in math class or grab her thighs on the bus.
'oh, do they try and get in your pants?' there was a mischievous glint in abela's eyes. however, when she saw letizia tense up, she softened. 'hey, boys suck though. that's why i stick to girls, mostly.'
'you're a lesbian?' the younger whispered the last word. she had never met a lesbian before.
'yeah, big old dyke here. i know, living in texas, shocking. problem?'
'no, i just- i- no, i'm sorry.'
'it's fine. you're cute, kid.' letizia's heart skipped several beats. she glanced out the window and noticed the sun had set. 'that'll be two dollars please.'
as she handed the cash over, she noticed abela had scar covered knuckles like her papa. their hands connected for a split second, but it made letizias head feel swimmy. abela's pale hands were cold, and soft. she picked up the suckers and hurried out.
'see you soon!' abela yelled.

letizia climbed into bed, freshly showered. even over a cacophony of screaming and crying from her mama, she couldn't stop thinking about the stormy haired cashier. she couldnt stop thinking about her soft hands, her lips, her cloudy eyes, her nose ring, her thick eyelashes, the way you could see the very top of her legs when she bent over and her skirt rode up. letizia wondered if god minded when she thought about kissing abela and stuck her hand down her pyjama pants.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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