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Title: You and only you

"I'll let you down. I will always let you down. I'm not enough for you to be satisfied."

Example: "Why me?" Alex asks as soon as the heavy door slams shut behind them.

They're in the back parking lot of the Wild Pony where it's usually mostly free of curious eyes and prying ears. There are only two cars in the lot: one that Alex recognizes as Maria's and another that probably belongs to the new security guy. Being a pretty secluded place, far enough from the street, Alex concludes it's the perfect place for a shouting match.

He turns around to glare at Michael who is looking at him with a disbelieving look in his eyes. "Come on Guerin, you could have anyone in this town. Why are you wasting your time on me?"

Michael gapes at him, then lets out an irritated puff of air, kicking the dust on the ground like a petulant child. Maybe if the circumstances were different, Alex would almost find it cute.

"Wasting my time," Michael echoes, rolling his eyes. "Is that what you think this is?"

Alex runs a hand through his hair, tugging a little at the strands in frustration. "I told you already; what happened at the reunion, back at the ranch—it was a mistake." He swallows down the lump in his throat, hoping to swallow down his lie as well.

Michael shakes his head but doesn't look at him and Alex is glad because he doesn't think he could say those words looking into Michael's eyes.

"It wasn't though," Michael argues in a small voice. "Not for me."

The words tug at Alex's heartstrings: they make him want to simultaneously wrap Michael into his arms and never let him go and keep him at arm's length for his own safety.

Alex sighs. "You've survived the last 10 years, you should do just fine without me," he says and he hopes Michael will just let it go already. It would hurt less than this useless back and forth.

"Did I though? Look at me," Michael says, raising his arms. He looks at Alex with a pleading look in his eyes and Alex almost gives in. "I'm miserable. I've barely survived because not knowing if you were even alive or dead? It killed me, Alex."

His voice cracks and he looks away, almost ashamed, but Alex catches a glimpse of unblinked tears in his eyes. "But now you're back," he murmurs. "You're safe. And all I want is for you to give us a chance, to let me take care of you."

Alex's heart sinks. "I'll let you down," he says, and he ignores the way Michael is shaking his head, wild curls bouncing from side to side. He ignores the way Michael's wet eyes glint under the parking lot's flickering light. "I will always let you down. I'm not enough for you to be satisfied."

Michael laughs then and Alex looks up, startled. This isn't the reaction he expected but he can't ignore the butterflies fluttering around in his stomach at the simple sound of his laugh, a stupid pavlovian response.

"You've got it all wrong. No one is enough for me except you." Alex watches as Michael steps slowly closer, eyeing him cautiously, as if he's afraid Alex will flee at a sudden movement. When Alex doesn't move, Michael dares to come in all the way into Alex's space andlift his broken hand to Alex's cheek, gently caressing him. "You're it for me, Manes. There's no else. "

When Alex feels Michael's lips pressing softly against his cheek, he closes his eyes and exhales. Somehow, it feels like he's finally taking in his first breath.


Erm... This was so long xD, just to let you know, not all chapters will be this long and not all of them will have examples so yeah... sorry to burst your bubble ;D

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