Jinmin ~ you look like a vampire

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word count: 1590

Seokjin was loved and adored by all, his beatiful and cute face enchanted all and his slim but curvy body as desired by both boys and girls.

Spring break just ended and he and his family had been to Bali. His soft skin was now glowing and had a pretty tan. To be honest everybody had, the whole class went to a tropical country. Except for one guy, who was still as pale as ever. His name was Park Jimin.

His hair was ash grey and his lips were bright red and plump. His eyes had a strange blue light displayed in them. Never did he open his mouth, never did he speak, Seokjin thought about the guy for a while, he has never heard his voice.

"I wonder what his voice sounds like. I kind of feel like it would be really low. Since he's such a muscular guy." Seokjin wonders, sitting at his desk he has great a view at the guys broad back. Seokjin never noticed he always wore black until taking a good look at the guy.

Suddenly, Jimin turns around and stares right back at Seokjin. A scary blue glow lights up in his eyes. Startled, Seokjin looks away, back at his books and starts doodling something just to keep his mind off scary glare he just received from the scary guy.

To say that's Seokjin is interested in Jimin is an understatement. To be honest, he was a very handsome man. A sharp jawline and a great body. Very pale, but it looked really good on him, like it's supposed to be like that, like fragile porcelain. He couldn't help but sketch the man. He was starting to get utterly distracting.

Until one day he didn't show up for class, staring at his empty seat Seokjin started doodling his body. He remembered it very well. He drew him in a long black cloth, a silver cross decorating the collar. In his ears his beautiful silver earrings and piercings that look oh so great on him. Black just suits him, his pale skin and ash grey hair, he kinda looks like a vampire. The bell rang and Seokjin packed his stuff.

He took a sharp right and bumped into someone, making him almost fall backwards. But a hand on his waist saved him. Seokjin looked up to find two blue glowing orbs intensely staring at him. "Miss me?" Jimin smirked, clearly showing fangs. "Wha-what?" Seokjin clutched his notebook full of sketches to his chest. His voice was even deeper than he imagined.

Jimin was quick to snatch it from the younger. "Well you seem to love drawing me." He opens the notebook to the drawing Seokjin made today, his hand still on the smallers waist. "Hmm, why am I wearing something like this? I look like..." "I-I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't mean t-to..." Seokjin cuts him off and paused for a bit, not sure what to say.

"I don't mind, but don't tell me you think it's for free." Seokjin blushed at his words, shivers ran down his spine from Jimin's low and cold voice.

"Come with me." Jimin more demanded than asked. He pulls the boy all across the hallway. Into an empty classroom. He pushed him against the wall, cornering him. He grinned, showing his fangs, his eyes glowing blue.

"I think you know something you aren't supposed to." Seokjin shivered as he felt Jimin's somehow cold breath fanning on his ear. "Tell me, Seokjin. What do I look like to you? Dressed in all black?" "Y-you look like a-a..."

"Come on, you can say it. What am I?" Seokjin tensed up and hugged his sketch book even tighter. "A-a-a v-vampire..."

Jimin kissed Seokjin's neck softly. "Hmm hmm~ that's right. Seokjinnie you're shivering." He leaned in and nibbled on Seokjin's ear. "Am I that scary?"

Seokjin didn't react, pissing the ashgrey vampire off. "Lost your tongue baby boy?" He grabbed Seokjin's chin forcefully making him look up into his cold blue eyes. He just clicked his tongue when the younger boy still didn't listen. He tilted Seokjin's head to the side and inhaled his sweet scent from the crook of his neck. "Oh you smell so good baby boy~ you must be really delicious." With that said he sunk his teeth into the crook of Seokjin's neck.

Jimin heard the smaller boy let out a painful moan and felt his body go limp in his arms. After he was done, he licked the wound clean, making sure not to leave any of Seokjin's delicious blood. He gave the sensitive wound a few kisses and licked his lips. "Mm~ I was right, so delicious~"

Soft whimpers escaped from Seokjin's lips as Jimin started licking along his jaw line. He lifted the boy up and placed him on the first desk he found.

Seokjin felt like heaven itself. Completely oblivious and blissful because of the handsome man french kissing him. Drowsy from the loss of blood, everything felt much more pleasurable. The younger felt cold hands roaming all over him, exploring his beautiful, tanned and curvy body. "Hmm~ such beautiful skin, so pretty and soft." Jimin complimented the younger, who absolutely loved getting those.

Jimin couldn't help it, his skin too pretty and the taste of his blood too good. He sunk his teeth into Seokjin's till moments ago fair skin, this time in his shoulder. A painful moan left the boy's plump lips before he gasped for air. While drinking his blood Jimin played with Seokjin's nipples, making him moan softly with every flick of Jimin's quick fingers.

He slides his hand down to the youngers pants and with quick hand movement undoes it. The other one still pleasuring Seokjin's nipples. He starts stroking the younger's member slowly, already drawing high moans. "Someone's sensitive, hm?" Jimin hums in his ear.

He peels Seokjin's shirt from his body and he's completely naked, seated on the desk and panting heavily. Jimin bites his lip and takes a moment to admire the beauty named Seokjin, practically asking to be devoured.

His teeth marks looked so good on Seokjin's skin. It was so perfect and Jimin ruined it, ruined the innocence of the boy's skin.

"I can make you feel so good~ You wanna feel good baby boy?" Seokjin weakly nods. 

Seokjin has an internal fight. He shouldn't just let this handsome man take advantage of him, but it feels so good. He can't reason against Jimin nor himself.

A foreign feeling down by his hole awakens him from his thoughts. "Ah-ah-n-no~" Seokjin whines as Jimin inserts his long digit into Seokjin's virgin hole. "Don't worry baby, I'll make you feel good." Jimin shushes him as he picks up a quick pace already. Seokjin can't do anything but moan and cling to the taller's broad shoulders.

When he adds a second and a third finger, Seokjin almost screams, but Jimin was quick to silence him with a passionate kiss. Drawing in al sinful sounds coming from the smaller's pretty little mouth.

Jimin pulls down his pants and aligns his throbbing member with Seokjin's puckering hole. With one sharp thrust Seokjin comes all over his stomach, a high and loud moan escaping his lips. "So sensitive for me, how cute." Jimin smirks as he fucks the boy relentlessly.

Seokjin is on cloud nine. He's completely gone in pleasure. His head is turning from the loss of blood and he can focus on only one thing:
The handsome man who's fucking him senseless right now. Smirking down at him showing off his fangs and glowing blue eyes.

He really is damn hot, and Seokjin will admit now that he definitely developed a crush on the good looking vampire.

Jimin starts marking Seokjin's honey skin with purple marks. "You are so sweet Seokjin... We should do this more often~" Jimin growls lowly,  staring at the hickeys he just made. Declaring Seokjin as his.

With one last and sharp thrust, both of them come. As Jimin cleans the small boy up, he admires Seokjin again. A pretty and flushed face, puffy deer eyes from crying and swollen lips from kissing and biting. He'd love to ravish him all over again, but composes himself. Seokjin will never have as much stamina as a vampire does. But there's training for that.

"You know my pretty Seokjin, I don't think this should be a one time thing." Jimin says as he rubs his thumb along Seokjin's plump lips. "We could do this more often. And your blood was the best I've ever tasted. I don't want to lose something as precious and fragile as you. Tomorrow. Here. You. & me. Got it?" Seokjin gulps and nods hesitantly.

Because.... He does... like it? He's not all that sure yet.

Does he hate it? He doesn't...?

They awkwardly leave the classroom and bow to each other. When they part ways, they both start blushing heavily. "We just had sex..."

And without knowing from each other, they both look forward to tomorrow. When they'll meet again.

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