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The time is near. The long wait finally coming. Yes, this night is my victory celebration. I got a blind date with the most beautiful girl in my college. This is mark my second Valentine Date with a women i love. The first date is failure, that is because she not my taste. She more nerd and no experience with love or whatsoever. I feel lucky after breaking her heart with lies. I'm just normal human that make lies to survive, no offence!

After waiting several minute, that girl finally arrived. Together we enter that expensive restaurant, Seri Daging Murni Restaurant. 

We walk to the corner of that restaurant and try to find a quiet and hidden place. We have a long night to talk and discuss about our relationship. I must make her my lover no matter what evil trick i need to use. 

The female waiter came to us and start taking our order. I order 1 chicken salad with cheese, 1 beef noodle with extra spicy and 1 glass of apple milk. Meanwhile for my girl, she only order 1 raw fish mix with barbecue sauce and spicy soy sauce. For a drink, she just want a cup of water mix with a lemon. Unusual combination of food and water, but it not so weird for her. Because that kind of food maybe have some healthy benefit to maintain her beautiful skin and the main reason for her pretty face. The face that almost everyone will melt and obsess to see and make their own. I'm the lucky person to have a date with her. 

Then we continue to chat and start to know each other. The more we know the better we can proceed to the next step. I start to ask her hobby and what she like to do to prevent bored in life. 

The way she talk really make me go crazy. Her voice so soft and each time i heard the word 'you' i feel so happy. She talk to me, like we already know for a years. But in reality, we just meet a few minute ago. I know her before in college, but we never spoke to each other. Then the miracle things happen. I got a message and it's from her. She invite me to go blind date. 

Now she is sitting in front of me. Smiling and looking at me. She so beautiful and sexy. 

The food we order finally arrived. We eat and drink while continues talking about our everyday life. Her life is so perfect compare to my life. My life is full of mistake and failure. That is why i need this girl to be part of my life. By being with her, i will got attention from the world. Everything will run smooth. 

30 minute later, she ask for my permission to go to bathroom. She need to lose her belly that already full. I said to her, you can go but you need to promise that you will coming back to me. 'Yes dear, i will. I only need a few minute to do what i should do.' That is what she said. I feel proud of myself. Finally we start to become more closer than before. 

It takes a bit too long. She already enter the toilet for almost 15 minute. I guess she need more time for fixing her make up. Women always do that in toilet especially after eating, to make sure they still pretty.

Not long after that, she walk to our table. She still looking great and beautiful. Looks like my guess is correct, she indeed fixing her make up inside that toilet. 

I ask her for a walk before going home and she said okey with a smile in her face. I go to the cashier and make payment for both of our meal. It was definitely delicious and satisfying.  

We walk through the restaurant main door and the night still long. I can make my next move to catch her heart and make her mine. In a short time, i plan my move and make a suggestion. 'Would you like to go there?' I ask her and at the same time point at the big mall in front of the restaurant. 

She said 'yes' and decide that we can spent more time together tonight before going home. 

Tonight is a bit quiet. The busy city that always full of people feel empty, not many people around walking like always. But i guess it was because it's valentine night, so many people go somewhere to celebrate it. On this empty street, i can see a guy with a hoodie, 2 kid with their father walking the street, an old ladies that looks scary and also a shop owner of mini mart. Maybe there are more people inside the building around here. I don't really care about them, my only concern is my life and my girl. 

We decide to hold hand while walking, it's for safety reason. I fear that someone will try to take her away from me and i cannot make that mistake. She is mine. Only i deserve such a beauty.

We walk and talk along the road. We said many romantic line and decide to take a rest in front of that old building. An old museum. A bit scary looking museum but i'm not scared. 

I gather courage and tell her, 'I love you. I love you soo much. Can you be my valentine date forever.'

'Yes, i will be your valentine date forever.' She said with that beautiful smile of her. 

I feel joyful. I feel confidence. I feel like a king of the world. Finally my girl become my lover. My Valentine Date is success. 

I try to kiss her lips but she immediately slap my face. She said, 'i'm not ready and we need to take it slowly.' 

I understand. I will give her all the time. But not tonight...  

We continue walk through the dark alley between the mall and the old museum. At that time, we stop and they also stop. I go and talk to them, they finally leave us alone. What a busybody! But that girl is beautiful and that man with her is just nothing compare to my handsome look. I feel sorry to his girlfriend for having an ugly boyfriend. I hate being followed especially when i'm not in mood. 

After leaving us alone, i try to touch Melinda waist but she forbid me from touching her other than her hand. 

Melinda is my lover name. The most beautiful girl i ever known. She accept my love but refuse my touch. What is wrong with Melinda?

I feel the urge to touch her tonight no matter what will happen. I need to do something, and i know a way. I bring her into the old museum and open the door. The door that lead into my work place, that is quiet and no other people can enter easily without the key. 

We walk and continue to walk until we reach to our destination. She looks at me and smile. 

I don't care about that smile anymore. I feel cold air and i'm about to pass out because of fear. Fear cause by something that standing behind her. I try to warn her about that danger but my mouth shut tight and my legs tremble. I'm shivering with fear... 

I start to realize my own mistake. My greed and uncontrolled lust is the reason... for my sin. I regret but it's already to late.  

Thanks for being my valentine date forever. 


The next morning, the museum worker shock in fear and start calling a cops and ambulance. The mysterious dead man body have been found and lying on the bed together with and unknown creature or to be exact - skeleton. It was not a human or animal skeleton but by the way it looks, it resemble a fish skeleton. But a bigger fish perhaps. 

The dead man body will be autopsy before funeral. The weird skeleton will be investigate. The crime scene need to be close as the police suspect this is not a natural dead. This case is classified as murder and assault. 'Dead fish found.'

"Some says that the man is having a despair for having a breakup with his girlfriend." 

Actually, no one truly know the identity of that dead body. The museum worker just explain based on the uniform the dead man wearing. The name tags 'Nadmi' is found on that uniform. Nadmi is a part time worker at that old museum. He was a college student and only came to work at night shift.   


"I read today newspaper and i saw some shocking news. The most beautiful girl in our college has died. A car accident in the nearby lake. Really near to my college. Sad indeed. But who care, many other beautiful women in this world."

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