Chapter 9: The Reunion

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*Y/E= your eye color* *Y/H= your hair color*

*Italic= Telepathic Communication/ Thinking*

*TP= Telepathy*

*Colby was talking out loud to you because in a coma you can still hear things*

Y/N's P.O.V.

It's been 3 months since I first fell into my coma, I overheard the doctors saying I should wake up any day now! I'm so excited to see Colby, and the rest of the house. Colby and I have been talking since I fell in this coma, Colby told me the house was hearing my voice in their sleep, that's because I've been talking to them late at night while they're sleeping. Colby just told them it's because they missed me. I hear someone come in my room, thinking it was Colby, so I start talking to Colby. 

"Hey Colby, what are you doing here?"

"What do you mean, I'm at home?"

"Very funny Colby, but seriously, what are you doing here?" 

"Y/N, I'm not at he hospital."

"Oh no, I think I know who's here." "COLBY, GET HERE QUICK!"

"What, Y/N what's going on?"

"No time to explain just get here quick!"

The person the room, walks over by my bed, and places the back of their hand against my face. At that moment I got a vision, and I saw who it was, it was Jason. I started to panic, the heartbeat monitor was going crazy, my breathing was rapid, and I was sweating. What is Jason doing here? I thought he was in jail because of Colby. I hear doctors and nurses rushing in to see what's wrong, for some reason they don't ask Jason to leave. The doctors start sticking me with needles and giving me medicine to help to calm down before I start coding again. Just as the doctors left someone else walks in, I know for sure that it's Colby, I can't explain how I know, I just got this sudden rush of some kind. After Colby walked in I heard Colby pin Jason up against the wall. I felt his anger. 

"Colby, you can't hurt him."

"What, do you know who this is?" 

"Yes, when he touched me I saw him, I know it's Jason, but Colby don't hurt him, just get him out of here."


And with that, I heard a body drop to the floor, Colby put Jason down. But I knew Colby didn't let him go. Colby dragged Jason out of my room and went to talk to the doctor to tell them Jason isn't allowed to see me. Then, I felt Colby get mad, I don't know why. Colby walks back into my room, sits next to me, grabs my hand, and kisses it. "Are you ok?" "Colby, I'm fine, what were you mad about with the doctors?" "Jason told them, he was your husband, and it just made me want to kill him more." "Husband?" "Don't make me laugh!" "It's true, that's what the doctor said Jason told them." "I'm just glad you're ok." "Colby, you don't have to worry about me so much, I'm fine, and I'm supposed to wake up any day now." "I know, but you're just so small, and vulnerable, and I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." "Colby, you'll never lose me." "Promise?""Promise."  "Good, because I know how to wake you up." "Wait, what?" "I can wake you up but you gotta trust me." "Colby you know I trust you with my life, I love you, but, what are you going to do?" "I can't explain it, I'm going to try something." "Colby, try?" "C'mon, it'll work, I'm gonna stop time and use my TP to pull your physical body out of the coma if that makes sense." "Uh, Colby, 1. that doesn't sound safe, and 2. that doesn't make sense, should we even be doing this?" "Do you wanna wake up?" "I mean yeah but-" "But nothin, now let's get working." Colby stops time, and uses in TP, and I felt him pulling me. Next thing I know I'm opening my eyes and I can see Colby for the first time in months. I jump up out of the hospital bed and run into Colby's arms. I've missed his strong warm arms, his deep ocean blue eyes, is beautiful dark brown hair, and his warm smile. I'm so glad to hold him in my arms again. I love him so much.

Colby's P.O.V.

Y/N woke up! Y/N runs up to me and hugs me I hug back. All I can think about is missing her so much, missing her beautiful Y/E eyes, her Y/H, her tiny arms, and being able to hold her close. I'm so glad to hold her in my arms again. I love her so much.

The doctors let Y/N go home and we head to the house to surprise the house. As I walk through the door with Y/N behind me Corey walks up to me. "Hey Colby, everything ok with Y/N at the hospital?" He says looking sad. "Yeah everything's cool, Jason was there and he told them he and Y/N were married, I handled it." I told him waiting for him to say he misses Y/N so she pop out from behind me. "Oh, ok just as long as she's ok, I really miss her, I hope she wakes up." Perfect. "Awww you missed me?" Y/N asks jumping out from behind me. "You're awake!" Corey says, Y/N runs up to Corey and hugs him. Corey walks up the stairs with Y/N and I to go see Sam, Aaron, and Devyn, then go to the garage where Elton is.

 Sam and Aaron are in Sam's room, they just finished filming. I walk in first, Corey after me, and Y/N standing right behind Corey. "Hey, everything ok at the hospital?" Aaron asks, "Yeah, she's ok, Jason was there and he told them he and Y/N were married, I handled it." "Oh shit, thank God she's ok, I miss her here at the house." Sam says, "Yeah me too." Aaron follows. "Well, there's no need to miss me anymore!" Y/N says from behind Corey before jumping out from behind him. "Oh fuck, you're awake!" Sam says frozen in shock. "How is this possible?" Aaron says frozen as well. "Don't just sit there, give me a hug before I go back to sleep!" Y/N says giggling. Sam and Aaron jump up and hug Y/N super tight. "C'mon, we gotta go surprise Devyn and Elton!" Y/N says getting behind Corey. 

We walk to Corey and Devyn's room, I go in first, then Aaron, then Sam, Then Corey and Y/N. "Oh, hey Colby, everything was ok with Y/N right?" Devyn asks. "Yeah,  Jason was there and he told them he and Y/N were married, I handled it." "Oh shit for real, thank God she's ok, that creep!" Devyn exclaims, Y/N tries not to laugh at her comment on Jason. "Yeah, she's ok." "I miss her so damn much!" Devyn says the key word. "Awwww I miss you too bestie!" Y/N says poking her head out from behind Corey. Devyn's jaw drops and they scream together as they run up to each other and hug. "Omg Y/N is that really you, I can't believe you're awake!" Devyn says. "Neither can I, I've missed you guys so much!" Y/N says. "All right, let's go surprise Elton!" I say.

We walk downstairs in position to Elton's room, not really but he spends ALL of his time in there and he sleeps in there sometimes. We all walk in and stand there in silence until he notices us, because he has his headphones on. Elton finally looks over and takes off his headphones. "How long were you guys standing there?" He asks "A long time." Says Aaron. "Oh, my bad, is Y/N ok?" "Yeah she's totally fine Jason was there and he told them he and Y/N were married, I handled it." I explain. "Oh, fuck, is Jason still alive?" Elton asks jokingly but serious at the same time. "Ha ha ha... very funny, and yes Jason is alive unfortunately." I tell him. "Oh, ok, Just as long as she's ok, I miss having her in the house." Elton says. "Wow Elton I can't believe out of everyone you missed me?" "I'm touched!" Y/N says jumping out from behind Corey and fake crying. "Y-you're, you're awake!" "Yup and I need a hug so if you don't mind." Y/N says sucking her teeth. "Y-yeah of-of course." Elton says still trying to take it all in. Y/N and Elton hug and everyone talks to Y/N a while. After they finished talking Y/N stood up. "Ok, I have been asleep for 3 whole fucking months and I need a first big meal!" "RED LOBSTER!!!!!!" Y/N yells, we all yell with her and we go out to eat, we film a few vlogs, a few skits, and we remake some old vines. After we eat we all head home, happy, out of breath and full. I overhear Elton thinking, "God I love this family, and I love Y/N so much, but I can't tell anyone because she's with Colby, what am I gonna do?" I instantly get angry and turn to look at Elton who looks at me sees I'm angry, but he doesn't know why. That's when I made the biggest mistake I could think of, I used my TP on Elton. "You stay the fuck away from Y/N Elton, you hear me?" Elton looks around not knowing it was me until he looked at me and saw my mouth. "Stay away from Y/N!" I mouthed to him, then he knew it was me and he looked shocked, he didn't say anything fro the rest of the night, when we got home he went straight to the garage and basically panicked. I'm gonna have to find a way to get him to not tell anyone.

A/N Bit: Hey guys hope you enjoyed, I'm gonna need like two days to work on each chapter, especially since I'm going out of town tomorrow, I'm not gonna finish my interum before I get picked up, but I'll just do it on the makeup days. Don't forget to vote and comment your favorite part of the story so far and what you thinks going to happen in the next chapter. Thx for taking the time to read my piece of junk. Love you bye <3

Where are the 3 Fs?


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