one | Running

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The snow cracked with each step I took. My left foot followed my right, making my body travel faster than I ever thought possible. My breath was jagged as I continued to run through the thick snow. I flicked my head back, my eyes searching the vast desolate land for any sight of him.

I had lost him miles ago but my feet still carried my body quickly, not trusting anything or anyone. Warm tears fell from my eyes warming my frostbitten cheeks, my lungs burned with a desire for oxygen. My hands and legs were numb from the constant blood flow rushing through them. I had been running full speed for hours terrified if I stopped he would get me. I flung my body towards a mass of trees. The thick brush getting caught on my few articles of clothing as I cried. Cutting my skin with the fingers of the branches.

My brunette hair whipped me in the face as the wind licked my cheeks, taking the tears from my face. The cold wrapped around me like a blanket, suffocating me with its chill. I was running with no destination except that of getting away. I no longer will be a prisoner in my own home.

My breath caught in my throat as I heard the snap of a twig in front of me. My legs stilled throwing me backward, I stumbled over my feet. My breaths coming out in heavy pants as I strained my ears to hear the noise of the intruder. My vision caught the sight of a wolf coming out from behind a trees frame.

His fur was a dark black, that of a midnight sky but his paws, tail, and snout continuing to his underbelly looked as if they had been dipped in white paint. His fur glistened like the color of the moon shining down upon us. His eyes were the color of gold, they shone with the hue of a blood moon as his predatory gaze was upon me.

His body stood tall, his shoulders slouched with every step he took towards me. His muzzle was pulled back revealing sharp saliva dripping canines. A low menacing snarl sounded from his mouth as others came out from the trees as well, surrounding me.

"P-Please," I called, tears pouring from my ocean orbs. "I-I need help, please." I drop to my knees, showing my neck in submission to the large wolf in front of me.

His body moves forward, with each step he rocks the ground with power. My frame shaking as I feel the significance of his position. He growls as he approaches me his snarl is loud and strong showing his dominance to me.

A whine escapes my cracked lips as he sniffs me, the wolfs eyes narrow as he backs away.

He barks to the others, they call back in a code I cannot decipher before they start to race back to the direction they had come from.

The large wolf bends down, rubbing his nose into my shoulder as a motion for me to get on him. His shoulders squared on the ground as I grip his fur tightly to holster myself onto his back. He situates himself quickly upwards, looking back at me with his golden globes until he races towards his home.

I grasp tightly to his fur, my bloody knuckles turning white from my grip. His body moves agilely through the woods - dogging branches and logs as he jumps over them. His mindset on the destination at hand. His gate is long and strong as he slows his pace when we approach black gates surrounding his property.

The gates slide open upon his arrival, his body continuing forward into the pack's boundaries. Dirt is mixed with snow dirtying his stark white paws as he stalks forward into his land. Curious eyes follow his movements, a warning growl sounds from deep within his chests sending the wolfs to their feet their necks showing in submission.

We reach a quaint cottage tucked into the dark forest, the door creaks as he pushes it open, the fire burning in the fireplace flicking its hands with every breath it takes. He goes to it, laying down in front of it causing me to fall from him onto the comfort of a fur splayed on the floor. My body still shakes with the adrenaline from the run. The blood of the scratches on my face mix with my tears as I sit on my knees, my head hanging low.

My breaths come out shaky as he sits up to his full height. I can feel his gaze on me, warming my skin as he stares at me. His nose nuzzles my face up, brushing his cheek on mine he licks the tears from my face.

My hands come to his fur pulling it closer to my face as his course tongue brushes my skin. A sigh escapes my lips as he continues his journey of light tongue kisses to my arms. He licks the blood from the deep gashes that adorn my arms.

My eyes come up to meet his, his gaze holds mine causing a whine to escape my lips. He stands on all fours, his height shadowing me as he walks towards a dark stained oak door. Pushing it open with his muzzle he shuffles inside the room before returning fully clothed. A white t-shirt clings to his large frame paired with dark trousers.

My breath catches in my throat as I stare at him, my heart racing fast in my chest. His form stood tall, his full height being shown to me as I gazed upon him. My eyes traveled from his feet to his thick thighs up towards his wide hips. My eyes gazed upon his firmly built chest - solid with muscle stacked upon his large bones. His arms were large due to countless hours of training I assume. His skin an olive tan color. Golden Locks of hair caressed his strong cheekbones that covered a deep white scar that traveled from his hairline to his strong brows. My eyes flickered to his and a soft gasp fell from my lips. His eyes the color of a raging forest - deep green like the trees of the forest I ran through as a child.

He held my gaze with a fierceness that took my breath away. I felt a magnetic pull towards a man who's face held shock masked under the firmness of his straight beam. My eyes traveled to his pink lips, his top lip smaller than his bottom but holding a fullness none the less. His chin possessed a light stubble, his jaw sharp and strong but held a squareness to it.

My heart started to beat harder, faster than I thought possible as he strode towards me. In one long stride, his warm body held mine, invading my radius of personal space.

His warm pink lips that I had just been staring at caressed the shell of my ear and he pushed his cheek to mine, tingles erupting from the touch of his skin. He whispers one word into my ear that has me shaking all over again, distrusting my ears as it resides in my brain.



Hi everyone!! I hope you enjoy this story, I've had it in my drafts for a while now and I'm just now getting around to starting it. I imagine Holden as Evan Roderick but with the body of Chris Hemsworth;) You don't have to take my suggestion and you can imagine whoever you'd like as I usually do when I'm reading stories, I just though he fit the role quite well!

Thank you for reading! xoxo

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