four | Emerald Orbs

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Willow - Age eleven

My heart pounded as my feet danced through the brush of the thick forest. My hair whipping in the wind as my body carried me deeper into the darkness of the trees.

Growling could be heard behind me as I ran causing giggles to escape my lips as I picked up my pace. He'll never catch me.

Bounding around a corner I flung myself in the opposite direction of my path turning quickly on my feet. The wolf behind me growled as I stared at him, mischievousness hidden behind my ocean orbs.

His stance was wide and trained as he circled my body. His thick brown paws coming towards me, the leaves crunching with each step of his uneven weight. His body trapped me against the trees; growling.

One more step and you're mine. Humor danced upon my lips as he neared me. His final step towards me, as he leaped forward. That's all I needed as I dove underneath his body twisting myself so I was standing; running in the opposite direction of him.

Loud chuckles left my lips as my bare feet ran quicker through the forest dodging branches and logs. I could hear my cousins breath starting to pick up as he ran after me. Even in his shifted wolf form, he couldn't catch me.

Hopping over a log I dashed to the right, throwing him off my trail. New sets of trees came into view as I reached an unknown part of the forest.

My body stalled, sharp pants escaping my lips causing clouds of vapor to crawl from my mouth. This part of the forest was unexplored by me, I was lost, my cousin no longer nipping at my heels.

My body shifted my head twisting trying to recognize my surroundings. My feet carried me deeper into the darkening forest trying to find my way home.

A snap of a branch could be heard from my left causing me to turn quickly in said direction. My head shot up as I met a pair of golden orbs.

The wolf stood before me, his gaze questioning as he stared at me. Our eyes meeting in a trance. The once golden eyes flickered to a forest green constantly changing as he watched me. His position neared as he took steps towards me.

A low growl sounded behind me, whipping around I found my cousin. His uneven stance from earlier was now strong, his head held high as he snarled at the wolf in front of me.

My cousins' wolf rounded me quickly standing in front of me. His fur brushed my legs, his head quickly flicking towards me in a motion for me to climb on top of his back.

My small hands grabbed his fur hoisting myself up I saddled his back burying my face into his thick pelt. I could hear the growls reverberating through his body as his canines dripped with saliva.

His tone was that of a warning, causing the other wolf to growl back towards him in a deeper menacing voice.

With one look at the wolf, my cousin took off, my hands buried deep in his fur. His body moved quickly back to the house where my family resided. He bound through the front door quickly flinging my body off of his onto the floor of the entryway.

With the loud noise of my body hitting the floor my parents came into the room growling at my cousin. His body shifted quickly from his wolf into his skin form.

He was quick to walk his naked form out of the room coming back clothed in shorts.

"She ran from me into the forest,  a newly shifted wolf spotted her and was about to pounce." His voice held frustration as he grabbed at the black strands of hair falling in front of his face. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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