A wimp, huh?

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A/N Yes, this chapter is early but only because you guys are awesome :) I wrote this chapter so it's probably boring and it hasn't been edited so don't judge! I know it's not very long but I tried my best to make it and as long as possible :L

I hope you guys enjoy it! Please leave a comment to let us know what you think and vote if you liked it :) 

I would like to thank everyone who commented and voted on the previous chapters, you guys are awesome and I love you all :) 

There's a picture of Jai and the song Hunter was listening to somewhere on the side ------>

Anyways, enjoy! 


Hunter’s POV

The whistle blew.

“That’s it’s for tonight, I’ll see you boys on Thursday.” Coach said.

The boys went back to the locker room whilst I sat on the grass still.

I heard footsteps from behind me.

“You coming, man?” Jesse said. I knew it was him from his voice. I sighed.

“Nah, I think I’m going to stay for a bit and work on my moves.” I stood up.

“Uh, okay. I’ll see you tomorrow then, yeah?” I nodded.

I put my head phones in and looked directly at the goal. The song which was playing was 'Feel the love' by Rudimental. It was what got me pumped up whilst training, which was a good thing, especially with the finals in two weeks.

I dribbled the ball down the field pretending to dodge people and adding a few moves here and there. I reached the goal in no time and booted the ball straight in the middle. I lifted the bottom of my shirt and placed it over my face and ran around with my hands fist pumping the air, pretending the crowd was cheering for me.

Just then, my iPod went flat, only half way through the song.

“Hey, handsome.” Someone said flirtatiously. I yanked my shirt down and turned around to see Julia walking towards me with the soccer ball which I had been using.

“Hey,” Usually I would smile but for some reason, this time I didn’t.

I couldn’t get my mind off Amber.

“Do you want to go get drink or something?” She asked throwing the ball towards to me. I caught it and placed it on the ground so that my foot was rested on it.

“Uh, I can’t-” I started to say but was interrupted.

“You never hang out with me anymore!” She pouted.

“We hung out last night.” I said raising my eyebrows. She took a step closer placing her hand on my chest.

“Oh, please Hunter, for me?” She gave me the puppy dog eyes. How could I say no to that face?

“Fine, I’ll see you in 5.” I said walking towards the locker rooms.


We arrived at 'The Coffee Guy' which had the most amazing ice cream, coffee, milkshakes and cakes you would ever taste. I ordered a frappe, whilst Julia ordered strawberry ice cream.

“Jesse is such a good mate,” Julia said licking into her ice cream. “I was having some trouble with my biology and he helped me.”

“That’s good.” I sucked through the straw. “He was really angry before training, he said it was because he was struggling with maths, but now I know you were the cause." I laughed.

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