Chapter Five (Epilogue) (Edited)

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Morgan started rubbing my belly and I felt my head beating painfully. A migraine. I groaned and hugged onto Morgan tightly. Whenever I get migraines, which is rare, nothing works to keep it down. So I have to take it like the man I am.

Morgan already had the curtains drawn and all the lights out, the TV already off. We had breakfast in bed and took a shower in the dark bathroom, only lit with candles.

Morgan has work later today, its about 8 or 9 in the morning and he told me he worked at 11 today. "Baby." Morgan whispered, his face making its way into my vision. "I have to get ready. Its almost eleven." I pouted.

"Do you really?" I said, so quietly that he wouldn't have heard me if he wasn't listening.

"Yeah.. I do. I can let Bailey and Harry come and cuddle you if you want them to." Our babies, Harry and Bailey. Harry was Morgan's dog until I met him. I fell in love with the little Golden Retriever. And Bailey, fuck, Bailey is my fucking life man. My little Labrador. Harry loves Bailey like an older brother and is very over protective of her.

"Yeah.." Morgan smiled, leaning in closer and slowly planted a kiss on my cheek.

"I love you, baby." He whispered, before getting up and made his way out of the room. My lover.

Not even five minutes later, Bailey strolls in the room. She put her front paws on the bed and whimpered softly. I smiled and she hopped on the bed. Bailey laid in front of me and licked my face. "I love you too, girl." Harry and Morgan then came in about ten minutes later, holding Harry by his leash.

I dunno what has Harry excited, but his tail was wagging very fast. Harry barked sharply, which called me to flinch badly and my head throbbed in pain. "Harry!" Morgan warned, while whispering. Bailey looked at Harry and growled lowly.

Harry calmed down a little and even whimpered. Morgan let him go and he walked to the bed, climbing on, then laid against my body. Morgan chuckled. "Adorable. Alright, I got to go now, baby. I have a sandwich made for you in the mini fridge by the bed and some orange juice. Advils are on the dresser once the migraine dropped to a regular headache. Bailey, Harry, stay with Kyle and make sure he's alright. If either of you need to eat or use the bathroom, go and immediately come back here. Love you three." Morgan came over and pecked my lips, then kissed both of our dogs on the head. "Call me if you need me."

"Love you too, Morgan." He smiled, his eyes twinkling.

And all too soon, my husband left the room and the house. Since Bailey was in front of me, I just cuddled with her, the cuddle monster. "Hey, Harry? Did you ever wish to have a girlfriend?" I said, trying to make conversation. All Harry did was panting. "You've been lonely all your life. At least you have a big fluffy companion." I yawned. "You too Bailey. You both have each other. Don't ruin it, okay?" My voice getting droopier and nothing coming out of my mouth by the end of my sentence. "G'night kids of mine." I mouthed and fell into a deep sleep.



"Baby, what the fuck are you doing?" Morgan asked. I was on top of the couch, air playing a guitar solo to an imaginary song in my head. Both Bailey and Harry were barking happily, running around the couch I was standing on.

"Join me, Master! C'mon, be my drummer!" I started making guitar noises and was smiling really hard.

"Boy, if you don't get off the damn couch, I'll show you a drummer!" He warned, but me being the masochistic, bad ass that I am, I leaned forward a little wiggled my butt. I heard him growl over the barking of the dogs. The doorbell rung and I giggled, jumping off the couch and then running towards the door. Its probably my friends and their husbands.

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