"Once a pretty princess like you gets caught up in this lifestyle, there ain't no going back baby"
I nodded my head in agreement and pulled my tight ponytail out of its natural placement and let my hair fall down to my shoulders.
"Why do you want in so bad? What's in it for a rich princess like you anyways?"
"I want to feel apart of something, I want to feel appreciated and welcomed by others who are just like me. Even though my parents have money and my title to you may be princess, I surely don't get treated like it. I want somewhere to belong" I spoke out without taking a breath. Hesitation didn't leave my lips and I was surprised.
I needed to do this, no matter how much it would affect my life. I knew that Kennedy was for me, no matter how much Ethan wouldn't like my temptation to join, I wasn't so sure he even cared about my well being anyways.
"I'll talk to Angel and see what we can do for you. Meet back here around nine tomorrow night and we'll have made a decision" The man I didn't catch the name of spoke as he turned around and left me standing in the middle of the Alley alone.
I grabbed my phone from my pocket and checked the time.
11:18 pm
I checked to see if I had any messages, either from my parents or anyone else. My eyes rolled back into my head when I noticed the emptiness of my notifications.
I signed and thought about how I never told my mom and dad where I went, and for all I knew they didn't even notice I had left.
I checked my bank balance and decided to go to the closest fast food place I could find.
I walked over to the Kroger parking lot and unlocked my car. I got in and plugged in my aux cord, putting on Lil Mosey and Kodak Black.
I sped down the empty road and looked at all of the night walkers on the side of the curb, clubs or cars. Either throwing up, laughing or about to hook up with some sketchy guy.
Downtown was different then where I lived. Everyone was always out at all hours of the night and it was always so loud, music always filled the streets.
I wasn't used to this much activity past 10 at night.
I pulled into the McDonald's drive thru and ordered the same thing I always purchased.
A junior mcchicken meal, upsized to a large fry and a large blueberry and pomegranate smoothie.
I smiled at the thought of who introduced me to that order, and it was Ethan.
He always ordered a junior mcchicken and I always would steal bites of his burger, until I started ordering it myself.
The thought of Ethan made shivers run down my back and I couldn't help but wonder where he was right now and what he was doing.
Then all of a sudden, out he stumbled from a strip club right across from the McDonald's.
I squinted my eyes to make sure it was him as I collected my food.
Surely it was, but he wasn't alone. He has two girls wrapped around his arms as they balanced him out as they walked down the street.
I drove out of the drive thru and pulled up next to him and his new friends.
I rolled down my window and he stopped and looked into my car trying to figure out who was scolding him.
"Get in the car Ethan"
He laughed and pushed the two strippers off of him.
"Sorry girls, can't make my girl wait" he mumbled as he stumbled towards the car and I shook my head in disbelief.
He opened the passenger door and slowly and drunkenly got into my car.
He looked at me and smiled with his gorgeous little smile he had.
I shook my head and laughed and him as he didn't break his smile and just stared at me.
"Why are you staring?" I questioned cheekily as I looked back at my steering wheel trying not to blush at his beautiful facial features and expression.
"You're gorgeous Shelbs" he said as he slowly shut his eyes and reopened them.
"It's time to get you to bed" I said as I awkwardly laughed and switched my gears to drive.
I started driving back towards my house and the car was filled with Kodak Black songs and Ethan's humming and unrecognizable scrambled words that came out of his mouth.
"Why do you care so much? I treat you like shit Shelbs. No one cares about me except you. Everyone has given up on me and could care less if I was dead or alive, everyone would rather not get involved and help me, but you're different Shelby" he spoke softly trying to finish each word as quick as he could before he forgot what he was saying.
I felt his eyes on me and I didn't know what to say.
I couldn't tell him how much I cared, because he didn't feel the same way. I wanted to see him succeed and be happy and safe, but lately he hasn't been any of those... and I just wanted to always be there for him to help because no matter how much I tried not to, I loved him.
"Because I do" I said without saying anything else and turning up the volume of the music.
"I've- always" he started to speak but hesitated and started to breathe heavily.
"Loved you, and ever-" his face sank and his eyes flung down looking at his hands that were holding his stomach.
"I'm going to thro-" and all of a sudden, my dashboard was covered in released alcohol from Ethan.
"I'm so sorry" he said as I pulled over to the closest place I could.
Ethan hopped out of the car and released the alcohol in his system on the side of the curb.
How the fuck am I going to get all of that out of my car? I thought as I shook my head and got out the car to help Ethan.
"It's okay, you're okay" I rubbed his back softly and made him feel better.
I was just thankful that the vomit wasn't full of food, it was pure alcohol.
No wonder why he through up, he drank excessively on an empty stomach.
"I'm okay, I'm so sorry Shelbs" he said as he stood up and wiped his mouth with his sleeve of his champion sweater.
I didn't speak and guided him back into the car.
I got into the car and silently drove home with the windows rolled down and the air conditioning on to give Ethan more airflow.
We arrived at my house and I directed Ethan to my bedroom window and opened it for him guiding him inside.
I hopped in my room and guided Ethan to my bathroom attached to my room quietly trying not to wake my parents.
"You can take a shower or a bath, I'll be outside cleaning my car. My parents should be sleeping, if not they won't come in so just relax and clean yourself up. I'll go grab a towel for you" I told Ethan as I shut the bathroom door.
I walked out into the hall and grabbed a towel from the laundry room and went and gave it to Ethan.
I walked into my cleaning cabinet and grabbed Lysol wipes, Lysol spray , glass cleaner and paper towels.
I cleaned my car and put all the cleaning supplies away and came back inside.
I fell into my bed and shut my eyes for just a second and all of a sudden, I was passed out.

𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖔𝖚𝖙 | 𝔈𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫 𝔇𝔬𝔩𝔞𝔫
FanfictionHe was hurt and damaged and I loved him for it all.