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-At Alvarez-

Ugh... My hurts... All I remember is... Fainting...

I slowly open my eyes to see a crying Happy.

"Happy... What's wrong?" I say in weak voice.

"Natshu!!!! I'm so glad you're ok!!!! I thought...  I thought you died!!!!" he cries as he hugs me tighter.

I chuckled a bit.

"I'm alive right? Don't worry Happy... I'm not going to die"

He smiles as he continues on crying.

"Uh.... But first... You're soaking my shirt with tears" I say pointing at my shirt.

"Hehe.... Shorry... By the way, Zeref and Jackal are downstairs"

"Yeah. tnx for reminding me..."


After changing, we both go down.

I was drinking my coffee when I heard Happy and Natsu cone in.

I smile.

"Good morning brother..." I greet him

"Morning ni-san" he smiles back.

"Call me whenever you need me... Idiot" Jackal says.

I smirk. "Hah, course I will... bastard"

He disappears as I sit.

"Well, Itadakimasu" we all say as we dig in.

No one wasn't expecting a surprise today.


They all wondered where that sound came from.

They all went down and to their dismay, it was... Fairy Tail.

"Natsu" Makarov says with a smile on his face.

Natsu just glared at them as his fist clenched.

"What are you doing here" he didn't say out of question, but out of demand.

"What you say, we came to bring you home... I'm so sorry Natsu, we're all sorry..." Gray says with a little bit sadness on his face.

"Hah! And how can you say that?!?!" Natsu yells as he took a step back.

"I was the one who planned to kick you out the guild Natsu... I'm sorry... And please.. Don't let Lucy get involved" Gray says as he holds his girlfriend's hand.

This pissed Natsu more.

"I'm sorry? I'm sorry... You say?" Natsu just keep on saying that as his fire keeps on getting hotter and hotter.

"Natsu! Stop!" Erza says but Natsu already lost it.

Oh no... END's awakening!

I tried to stop the transformation but it was too late.

I shouted as I transform into END.

I-is this ok END? You might not get full control of myself... I thought worried

Don't worry... We promised to make feel payback remember?

Haha.... Right... Well then... I entrust it to you

"N-natsu!" Zeref shouts worried but END stopped him.

"Don't worry mage. I already made link with that guy. I can handle this. Take that cat and surround us. I might kill someone you know" END says in his low voice.

Zeref, although shocked at first, later then understood what he said and went out together with Happy.

He created an invisible barrier to protect his people.

He also ordered the Spriggan 12 to surround their battle ground.

They nodded and went to their positions as Zeref and Happy watch them from afar.

-Back To Fairy Tail-

"Natsu!! Stop!!! We're sorry ok? We can just... We can just go back together and be a family again!!" Lucy shouted.

They all didn't know that it was END they were talking to.

"Listen woman, I'm not that idiot, I am END" END says as he smirks.

Gray, shocked to hear this, had mixed feelings.

What? He's END? The one who... The one who...

My mind snapped when I remembered Natsu.

Right... If I kill END, Natsu will be killed too, but if I... I...

My mind was a mess that I shouted.

"G-gray!!" They all turn to me as I shout more.

END smirked as he attacks Gray.

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