Chapter 1

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"I honestly don't know what the hell all the fuss is about."

Gordon can't believe what he's heard. "It's Christmas, Greg. It's the most important time of our year."

"Well sometimes, I just wish it went by a little faster. Sooner I get my vacation, happier I am."

"I guess I get you there, man. Nothing like a warm beach and a cold brew to take off the edge of a busy holiday."

The two elves just laugh now. They give each other a quick bro hug and part ways. Even after all these years, neither one knows what he'd do without the other. Still, though, there's work to be done.

Greg watches Gordon head back to the assembly line for a moment before walking on back to Santa's office. Sometimes he regrets the responsibilities that come with being the big guy's right-hand man, but he right away hears the sound that makes him forget about all those regrets.

"Ho ho ho. Good to see you, Gregory."

"Same to you, Mr. Kringle." Greg's been working with Santa all these years, yet he still can't bring himself to address him as anything but the most formal name. "Are you ready for the big night tomorrow?"

Usually the answer to this question is nothing but an enthusiastic yes. Tonight, Greg sees an expression on St. Nicholas' face that he's never seen before. He can't quite place it, but the closest he can come up with is one of worry. "I won't always be at this, Gregory."

"What do you mean?"

"Tonight's a very special night. Come with me."

Greg wonders why Santa has evaded the question but follows him down the hallway anyway to overlook the first floor. The two look down at an annual scene of joy and excitement. All of the elves are working hard, and none of them are in a bad mood.

"Tomorrow night is Christmas Eve, Gregory. The day in which all of these elves' hard work pays off. The other 364 days a year mean next to nothing when compared to December 24. And a magical night it will be."

Santa usually says something to this effect, but something about the way he's said it this time just doesn't measure up. Greg is confused.

"When I'm gone, someone will have to carry on my work. I'd be damn proud if that ended up being you."

Greg is flattered, but even more confused now.

Santa changes the subject. "I'll be up late tonight, Gregory, as usual. At 9 PM tomorrow, I expect to see you like always, firing me up for the holiday."

"Sounds good, boss." Greg is slightly worried by the tone in Santa's voice, and even more worried by what exactly he's been talking about. However, he won't see him until 9:00 tomorrow night, so he shrugs it off. He chooses instead to talk to Gordon about it when they meet for drinks later.


"Two egg nogs, on me," Gordon tells the bartender. He turns to Greg. "You've been working hard, man. No one has a job like yours."

"Thanks, bro." The two cling glasses and take a giant swig of their respective drinks. "But there's something I want to ask you about."

"Anything, buddy."

"You talked to the big man lately?" Gordon nods, and Greg continues. "Did he seem... off... at all?"

"A little. But hey, you know how he gets this time of year. It's an important night."

"I guess you're right." Greg doesn't fully believe that this explains Santa's behavior. "It's just, he seems kind of worried. I've never seen him quite like this before."

Gordon finally registers exactly what Greg is telling him. He's ready to listen now. "You know him better than I do. What's been going on exactly?"

"He was just kind of going on about how he won't be able to do this forever. He seemed worried, like, I don't know. He was just weird."

"That's slightly worrisome, man, but I don't know what to say. I'd try not to get too worked up about it."

"You're right, Gordon. I won't worry about it anymore. It will all turn out alright."

"That's the spirit, Greg. No need to get all upset over nothing. This time of year, things are just... unpredictable."

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