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"Nice to meet you hyung!"
"Hi hyung! Good morning!!!"
"Hyung can you teach me some cool dance moves?"
"Hyung can we play outside?"
"I'm sorry I broke your speaker hyung."
Dear diary,
      Today we met our new member in the bighit family. They're all cute and nice and all that shazam but little shits keep calling me 'hyung'. Am I not the baby anymore? Are they taking my spot?! THAT CAN'T HAPPEN!!! I'm the only baby in this family! I promise that I will never forfeit my place as the maknae! NEVERRRR! I have to be babied by Jin hyung more so he will only treat me as the baby! I'm gonna go now, I'm gonna update again tomorrow.

Signed; the REAL baby, Gookie🐰

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