A rich famous model named Irene was once friends with a girl name Seulgi who was now the #1 top secret agent in Seoul. They were each other's childhood best friend. After years of not seeing one another, Irene finds out that Seulgi has no idea who...
After waiting till they can no longer see the vehicle Yeri was in, Seulgi and Irene went inside. Seulgi was in the kitchen preparing a meal for the two of them while Irene was in the living-room, then suddenly Irene received a phone call from her father, who she wasn't heard from for a month.
"Appa!! I haven't heard from you in forever!!! How's work?" "Work is fine! How about you what have you been up to princess?" "Nothing special, same old routine!" "So i've heard! Seulgi has been giving me reports of everything that you've been up to." "Reports?" "Yeah, she gives me an update on how my princess is!" "Is it bad or good reports?!?" Irene asked nervously. "A little bit of both but mostly bad ones!" "I SWEAR APPA ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!!!" "I'm kidding Joohyun-ah!!! I miss you! Your mom and I can't wait to see our beautiful princess soon!" "APPA DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!! i miss you guys too! don't keep me waiting! I have some stuff to talk about with you guys!!!" "Don't worry we'll be home soon! And what stuff do you want to talk about?!? Huh?!?" "Just come home and we'll talk about it!" "Oh okay! We love you Joohyun-ah!! I'd give the phone to your mother but she's sleeping right now!" "That's alright just give her a kiss for me!" "OH BY THE WAY JOOHYUN!" "Yes appa?" "We're like a couple blocks away from home!!! So i'll see you in 30 minutes!!!" "WHAT?!?!?!" "GOODBYE PRINCESS!!" said Mr. Bae while laughing. End call~
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(As soon as Irene hang up the phone, she threw her phone across the living-room)
After hanging up the phone and throwing it away, Irene ran to the kitchen and told Seulgi that her dad is on the way in 30 minutes. Seulgi's eyes widened and ran to her room to change into her uniform. Brushing herself as she was walking down the stairs she looked at Irene who was standing outside the door waiting for her parents and asked if she's planning to tell her dad about their relationships.
"So are you planning to tell them about us?" "I-....." before Irene could've answered Seulgi's question the van her parents were in entered the gate.
"EOMMA!!! APPA!!! how was the business trip?" "It's was alright Joohyun-ah but eomma is a bit tired so i will be going straight to bed!" said Mrs. Bae after giving Irene a kiss.
After receiving a kiss from her mom, Irene looked over at her dad who was smiling at her.
"Sooo..... about the reports huh?" Irene didn't respond but gulped for being nervous.
IN MR. BAE'S OFFICE Irene walks in her fathers office with her head down ready to be scolded for the "bad reports" Seulgi gave to him. "Sooo...... do you want the bad or good re-...." "APPA!!! I KNOW I'M THE ONLY CHILD AND YOU'VE ALWAYS TREATED ME LIKE I'M 12 BUT IM 26... IM GROWN... AND YOU CANT TELL ME WHO I CAN LOVE!!! SEULGI IS MY WORLD! SHE MAKES ME HAPPY AND WHEN IM WITH HER I FEEL AT EASE!!! SO PLEASE IF YOU WONT LET ME LOVE HER THEN I'LL GO SO I WONT HAVE TO BE SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT!!!!!!!" Irene cut her father before he could've finished his sentence. "Joohyun-ah... you're dating Seulgi?!?" "uhhh.... wait-a-minute Appa, what was the bad report....?" "The bad report was you haven't eating 3 meals a day....." "Sooooooo...... you didn't know Seulgi and I are dating?" "I didn't... but please send Seulgi in on your way out... I'd like to talk to her" "Don't get mad at her Appa!!!! PLEASE!" Irene's eyes widened. "Just send her in."