Chad Hatten Austin Texas
Even if you assume MNGA is a legitimate company run by people you should trust with your savings, the current valuation of 113x trailing revenue means the stock is still -92.9% overvalued using a "best case" valuation. Simultaneously, global cutting gas juggernaut Praxair apparently "passed" on MagneGas years ago when it was available for virtually nothing and instead is now aggressively marketing their next gen "StarflameC" cutting gas nationwide, which is estimated to cut ~20% faster than MagneGas while costing at least -50% less with many other benefits. Meanwhile core MNGA patents issued at company inception are expiring soon, rendering any hope of long term upside a moot point. Further confirming this view, MNGA insiders are aggressively dumping their stock into the temporary stock promotion despite MNGA insider history of failing to disclose their trades to the SEC on a timely basis. Without further diluting shareholders, MNGA will go bankrupt as cash burn and losses continue to accelerate.
In this report I will outline the true nature of MNGA, what is going on behind the scenes, deep due diligence into their partners and how this unviable business has managed to stay alive. Pour yourself a very tall glass of warm gin and bring your patience for this incredible blueprint the Santillis have managed to perpetuate so far.
All research and opinions based on public info shared below for the public's good to help you in your due diligence.
History of MNGA: Born Through a Shell Company with "Questionable" Characters Involved