Just the Beginning

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Hey guyssss so I felt like maybe I should start a part 2???? I really enjoyed writing the first book and this will probably be not as popular but I have a bit of insight of what I wanna do for this part. Anyways, just a heads up I won't be updating EvEry week cause it just was so stressful for me to keep up with deadlines even though I know I should be on top of things. There may be times I have huge bursts of inspiration and times where I have writers block, so thanks for understanding!

Ring rIng rIinNggGggg


RIingGgg rinGggg—cRasH

"Kacchan? Did you just?-"

"Why does this stupid alarm have such an annoying sound?"

"You-you broke the alarm clock? Again? How much money do we have to spend on alarm clocks alone?"

"Just use your phone."

"UH no way! I can't risk you smashing my phone!"

"Then let's not have an alarm clock."

"We have to go to work every day Kacchan," The sheets moved and out popped a green bush, Izuku shook his bed head and rubbed his tired eyes, "Come on Kacchan, we have to g-" who was interrupted by Katsuki's hand grabbing his head and pulling him towards him. "Mmph!?" Letting go Izuku's face lit up like a Christmas tree, Katsuki laughed as he watched his reaction.

"Your face never gets old." Izuku's face scrunched up and he pushed Katsuki's head into the pillows.

"Come on, let's hurry and eat or else we'll be late!" Izuku jumped out of bed and hurried to get changed, leaving Katsuki suffocating in the sheets.

"Eggs Kacchan?"

"What else? You can't cook any other shit then eggs." Izuku's face turned into a pout and cracked an egg into the sizzling pan. As he pleasantly hummed nodding his head as he waited to turn the egg over Katsuki just smiled smugly and watched his husband try not to burn the eggs. He slid the eggs onto a plate and paced it in from of Katsuki also handing him salt and pepper.

"You want your hot sauce?" Katsuki smirked at Izuku, he sighed with a smile and rummaged through the drawer pulling out a bottle of Tabasco sauce. He watched his husband eat, Katsuki looked up and offered a piece to him. Izuku shook his head. "I can't handle spice Kacchan, you know that." But Katsuki insisted and he gave in, leaning in to accept the egg. His face scrunched up by he ate the egg, waving his hands towards his face. He ran to drink some water and handed Katsuki his bag. "Let's go" Izuku said in a rush.

"Chill Izu, they won't fire us if we're late. Besides we are the top heroes." Katsuki casually stood up and put the plate and fork in the sink.

"Thats not the point..." Izuku said back rolling his eyes. He watched Katsuki slowly get his things, slightly annoyed Izuku grabbed everything else and grabbed Katsuki's hand pushing him out the door.

"Is that the last of them?" Katsuki asked into the radio, he watched Izuku let down a few casualties.

"Everything is okay now, you'll have a place to sleep at the hero department. Is there anyone else missing?" Izuku asked them.

"Yes! My little sister! I can't find her!" A girl about 12 years old sobbed.

"Don't worry, we'll find her." Izuku said in a serious voice. But he knew it was too dangerous to go back in, it could risk the girl's safety and his. He looked at Katsuki.

Don't tell me he-

Izuku told the people to stay put an headed back into the building.

"Izuku! Wait!" Katsuki growled, but Izuku was too far into the building to hear him.

"Ground Zero! Did Deku go into the building?!" A familiar voice yelled to Katsuki.

"Yeah, that idiot." Katsuki turned around to see Uraraka running to him. "What are you doing here round-face?"

"Hero names Ground Zero, we're on duty. I was sent from my department to help." She said. "I know how your are too, don't go in, we can't risk two injured heroes." Katsuki scowled and continued to stare into the direction where Izuku ran. "He'll be fine Bakugou, you both have been doing this for years."

"I know,"

But it doesn't stop me from feeling worried.

Minutes past and Izuku didn't show. All the other victims of the incident were moved to a safer place and emergency help was already here.

"Where the fuck is he,"

He was going to show. He was.

More time past,

and sure enough there was movement.

Underneath collapsed building debris, a figure emerged.

"It's Deku!" People in the crowd shouted. He walked towards us holding an unconscious little girl. Medics ran towards the two of them, he handed the girl to the medics who strapped her to a stretcher. He walked to me, his face covered in ash and out of breath.

"Sorry Kacchan, I had to." He smiled at me and leaned on my shoulder.

"That's what you say every ducking time you almost die." Katsuki scowled making sure his husband wouldn't fall.

"Is he okay? Does he want to go to the hospital?" One of the medics asked.

"He's fine, he just needs to walk it off." Katsuki said to the medic who looked a bit confused, but all Katsuki did was look at his husband with a sly smile. Izuku playfully punched Katsuki as he held onto him for support.

They both walked back to the hero department to get their car and drive home.

"So, I'd say it was a successful day huh?"

"Shut up and get some rest."

Author's notes: Thanks for reading! I'm on vacation rn~ But I quickly wrote this intro together, hope you liked it!

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