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Am Morgen als wir aufgewacht sind machten wir uns fertig und gingen direkt zum Studio da er meinen Song hören wollte. Als wir dort ankamen begrüßte uns Mario schon „hallo mein Star komm wir fangen gleich an. Wir sind schon fertig jetzt kannst du dir das Endergebnis anhören"

Er machte das Lied an und ich war so glücklich das es sich tatsächlich nach etwas an. „Wooow askim das ist heftig" sagte enes.
„Danke haha kann selber nicht glauben das es sich so gut anhört"

Nach dem ging ich schon in die Kabine und sang den letzten Song von meinem Album. Er hieß „I have questions" (ja von Camila).

„Why did you leave me here to burn?
I'm way too young to be this hurt
I feel doomed in hotel rooms
Staring straight up at the wall
Counting wounds and I am trying to numb them all
Do you care, do you care?
Why don't you care?
I gave you all of me
My blood, my sweat, my heart, and my tears
Why don't you care, why don't you care?
I was there, I was there, when no one was
Now you're gone and I'm here
I have questions for you
Number one, tell me who you think you are
You got some nerve trying to tear my faith apart
(I have questions for you)
Number two, why would you try and play me for a fool?
I should have never ever ever trusted you (I have questions)
Number three, why weren't you, who you swore that you would be?
I have questions, I got questions haunting me
I have questions for you
I have questions for you (I have questions)
I have questions for you
My, my name was safest in your mouth
And why'd you have to go and spit it out?
Oh, your voice, it was the most familiar sound
But it sounds so dangerous to me now
I have questions for you
Number one, tell me who you think you are
You got some nerve trying to tear my faith apart
(I have questions for you)
Number two, why would you try and play me for a fool?
I should have never ever ever trusted you
I have questions for you
I have questions for you
I have questions for you (I have questions)
I have questions for you
Do you care, do you care?
Why don't you care?
I gave you all of me
My blood, my sweat, my heart, and my tears
Why don't you care, why don't you care?
I was there, I was there, when no one was
Now you're gone and I'm here
I have questions for you, ooh
I have questions for you
I have questions for you (I have questions)
I have questions for you (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
I have questions for you, ooh
I have questions for you (foul play, no, foul play, no)
I have questions for you (I have questions)
I have questions for you
I have questions for you
How do I fix it? Can we talk? Can we communicate? Can we talk? Do I wanna fix it?
I have questions for you (I'm afraid of you)
Is it my fault? Is it my fault? Do you miss me?
I have questions"

„Canim hast du die Songs geschrieben?"fragte mich Enes nachdem ich fertig war.
„Ehm ja warum schatz ?"
„Wer hat dich bitte so verletzt? Ich dachte du hättest noch nie einen Freund haha"fragte er.
„Hm mein „bester Freund'. Aber ist schon lange her also ist es egal"meinte ich.
„Erzähl es mir" sagte er besorgt.
„Ja aber nicht hier wir können in den anderen Raum gehen" sagte ich da ich wirklich nicht wollte dass es alle hören.....


Sry dass es so kurz ist aber bin echt müde....

Ajde askim🖤⛈(Mero&Emina)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt