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Hi, guys!! I felt like being generous, so you get a little dose of Dacre in this first chapter :) Hope you enjoy what I've got for you so far!
xx LO

It felt as though I had only just fallen asleep when I woke up again.

I was roused thanks to the soft roll of thunder, and the gentle pitter patter of the raindrops on my roof and against my window panes. I turned my head slightly to look at my alarm clock.

6:33 a.m.

I debated whether I should just roll over and try to get a couple hours more rest or get up and start my day. The ironic calmness of the storm probably could have lulled me back to sleep, but I eventually chose the latter. Besides the fact that I really couldn't sleep in past seven, I also had quite a few boxes to unpack yet. So, I swung my legs out from under my covers, and grabbed my bathrobe hanging off the corner of my bed post as I planted my feet on the cool hardwood floor.

My bedroom and bathroom were pretty much unpacked, a feat that I had accomplished the day before. My goal today was tackling the living room and kitchen, and then just some general cleaning and readjusting of furniture. But first, I needed coffee. I had gotten a feel for the streets of LA, due to my being here constantly for work projects. And luckily enough for me, my street had a coffee shop not too far from my new apartment. 

I quickly slid into some comfortable leggings and a cropped hoodie, and then threw my wild curls up into a messy bun. I left my face a clean slate, appreciative of my freckles scattered across my cheeks and nose. As I mosied into the bathroom, I did the usual of brushing my teeth, swiping on some deodorant, and spritzing myself with my favorite daisy perfume. Ya know, your basic hygienic care.

I eventually reached my front door a few minutes later, the clock now reading 6:47. The rain had let up a little bit, it being more so of a fine misty drizzle. I decided to go without an umbrella. Rains in LA never lasted long, and besides that, I loved this kind of weather. I never got it when I was living in Australia. Slipping out the door, I locked it behind me, and began my small trek to obtain some caffeine, and a little less than 10 minutes later, I stepped outside once more, iced coffee in hand.

About three minutes into my walk home, however, an eruption of screams exploded a few feet behind me, in the exact location I had just left. I pivoted quickly, slightly startled by the commotion so early in the morning. A very large group of girls were swarming like bees around a field of flowers, and it piqued my interest enough to hop up on a bench to see over their heads to find out what they were all getting so riled up about. Looking around, I saw them rushing toward a focus point, and in the middle of the commotion, I saw two young men. They were probably around my age, although with one I couldn't tell, due to his face being covered by a ball cap and a bandana covering his nose and mouth, like he was trying to avoid being known. Clearly it didn't help much. The hype of the people reminded me of when celebrities were mobbed, and I couldn't help but wonder if this was a similar situation. Regardless, it looked like the targets were struggling with the overwhelming crowd.

One of them turned, and I only had to see his side profile to know immediately who he was. I sighed in exasperation, but a smile began to grow across my face as I hopped down from the bench. I weaseled my way through the hectic crowd, and eventually grabbed ahold of his hand. At first he tried to pull away, until he actually made eye contact with me after I yanked and yelled his full name. It took him less than a second for the recognition to wash over his face, and in an instant, his grin was as big as mine. He grasped my hand and nudged the man next to him, shouting something that sounded like "Don't ask questions, just follow me!" The other man nodded, going along with whatever we planned on pulling. I still had no idea how well this was going to pan out.

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