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After the dream or at least what I think was a dream. I wasn't sure, after having it I was very shaken up and decided it was time to go. Back to the opera house felt like a better idea. I had finished packing when there was a knock at the door. I went and answered it and there stood a kid. "Bonjour, how can I be of service?" I asked him. He smiled he had mainly adult teeth but still had a few gaps here and there. He was probably about 7-8 years old. "Hi miss. I'm tryin' ta ge' money for my ma. She's sick ya see. I was wonderin' if ya'd have any jobs for me?" He almost sounded as if he was from east London. A proper thick cockney accent. I would've thought it completely had it not been for the hinted French accent. "Well could you run into town for me and fetch a cab for me. I'll give you four francs." His jaw dropped open. I took two from the pouch of coins that was in my pocket. "Two now, the other two when you return with the cab. Deal?" He took the money with a wide grin. "Yes miss! I'll be righ' back!" I laughed and nodded and closed the door. As I shut it I slid down and an exhausted feeling washed over me. I wasn't sure what it was. Where it had come from. Or even when it would leave me. But it was there regardless. I had a feeling it was to stay. For a time at least.
I sat there until there was a soft knock on my door. I opened it and there stood the lad with a coachman behind him. I smiled and grabbed my things. I handed him three more francs and climbed into the cab. "Where to miss?" He said chuckling at the young boy who began to run away yelling 'ma'. "The opera house please." He nodded and we were off.
It took the usual thirty minutes to get there and I was soon outside the marble stairs. I smiled and paid the man what I owed. 10 Francs and 7 shillings. Honestly it seemed so cheap but seeing as I knew nothing of currency's there's not much I could do.
I climbed the familiar stairs and walked through the door.

The few people who were there smiled and greeted me. I returned each and made my way to the dancers dormitories. The room was quiet and empty. It was at least another hour before dinner and with New Years and the ball I assume they were in the training room making sure they didn't tighten up Come Boxing Day when we had to start rehearsals for the dance. Me. I was dancing also. In the masquerade sequence. The one I had always dreamed about being Christine in. The only thing is.. would Erik pull Christine's ring from her neck? Would he even show up? I didn't know and it scared me. It scared me completely.
I put my things away then looked around the room. I sighed. Home. Was the word that entered my mind when I looked around. I used to think that my home in north London in 2018 was my home.. but this. This was truly what home felt like. Another thing that scared me.
I got up from the bed and decided some food should ease this feeling in my stomach from this worrying I'm doing at the moment.

As I walked down to the kitchens I could help but think of Miles. The kitchens wouldn't be the same. "Oh you're back?" Kristy, the main cook asked shocked as I came into the kitchen. I smiled. "Yeah. I hope that doesn't change dinner?" I asked politely. She smiled and shook her head, "of course not. In fact it's almost finished. Would you mind helping set the tables?" I nod with a smile and began with grabbing cups and cutlery and set them at the four long wooden tables. Dinner officially started at 5. The kitchen staff and anyone who happened to be there ate first then the kitchen was open for two hours. And if you missed dinner within those hours you'd have to cook your own dinner and wash up after yourself. Although most people cleaned up after themselves regardless of that rule. "What's for dinner?" I ask as I grab the plates. "Bread and vegetable broth." I nodded with a smile. I must admit Kristy's cooking was amazing. My mouth watered at the smell. It was soon all set up just as the clock chimes 5 o clock. We all helped ourselves to some broth and bread before sitting down.

I didn't really talk to anyone at dinner and still had yet to see Meg or Aunt Nettie. I decided to go down to her office and see if they were there. As I got there I went to knock but stopped as I heard voices inside. "Honestly, it's a breath of fresh air without her here." It sounded like Eriks voice. "She's been trying to talk to me since I showed her my lair. It's rather annoying." Who were they talking about? "Well there was your first mistake. I told you before she's but a child. She doesn't know responsibility if it hit her in the face." It sounded like aunt Nettie voice. There was some laughter. "Why do you think she ran off for the holidays?" Even Meg was in there. Were they talking about me? Surely, they weren't. Were they? The pain in my chest and tears in my eyes told me they were and I didn't want to listen to anymore so I quietly creeped away from the door and ran upstairs. I kept running until I got to the stage.

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