I Like You

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A/N ----- Before I start I just want to say that i changed some things up with plot. In Pitch Perfect 2, the  bellas are seniors except for Emily. I changed it to where the older Bellas were juniors, not seniors... anyway, not that big of a change... enjoy!


Emily's POV

My first year at Barden is officially over. Let me just say, it was totally different from what I had expected. First, I joined the Bellas. i  got in because I am a legacy. I thought they weren't going to let me in because of the Fat Amy fiasco. But as Chloe said, "They have to let legacies audition." That was just the beginning of everything. All the Bellas were pretty accepting, except for Fat Amy, who felt the need to tell me how stupid I am every chance she can get. But being the youngest was not the most fun thing. Some of them treat me like a child. Yes, I may be the most innocent of the group, that doesn't mean they should treat me like that. Anyway, there is one person who doesn't treat me like a child. Stacie. My fist night in the Bella house, I slept in Stacie's room because she was the only one who didn't have a roommate. It was way different that I had expected it to be. The other Bellas welcomed me in, but then just continued on with life. Stacie was the first Bella to take me under her wing and befriend me. I was excited for my first night in the house and to room with Stacie. But one thing I never expected was that feeling would come into the picture. You know, what I mean right? Don't worry, I'll explain it. It started innocently. Some nights when we both didn't have classes that ran late, we would sit in our room, pull our blankets to the floor and watch movies or just sit there for hours talking about God knows what. It had turned into something we were doing quite often. There would be times when Stacie would lay her head on my shoulder and sometimes I would do the same. There was something about that that I had began to like. I really didn't know what to do with my feelings. I had never felt like that with anyone, especially a girl. I thought if I said something it would make things awkward between us and that was the last things that I wanted. It took me for ever to figure out when and how I was going to tell Stacie how I felt. When I finally wanted to tell her, I kind of freaked out a little. 

No One's POV

As Stacie walked into the Bella house after her afternoon classes, she sees some of the bellas sitting throughout the living room and kitchen. They all greet her, then she finds her way to find Emily. She went up to their room that they share. When she gets to the room she notices that there is something off. The door was closed. Emily always left the door open. She usually likes to keep the door open. Stacie never understood why, but she had learned to deal with it. Anyway, she opens the door to see Emily at her desk with her notebook that she wrote her songs in. Emily jumped as she heard the door open and turned around to see who was there. Stacie could tell that there was something wrong with Emily. She had been crying. Stacie could tell because her face was red. 

"Em, What's wrong?" Stacie made her way towards Emily. 

Emily just shook her head, she was too embarrassed. "Nothing. I'm okay. I promise. I was just thinking and i got a bit overwhelmed." Stacie knew that Emily was trying to cover up a lie. She knew that there was something bothering her. 

"What's on your mind?" Stacie knew that she would open up eventually. Emily was hesitant, she likes Stacie and doesn't exactly know how to handle it. "You know you can talk to me about anything right?" 

"Yes, I know," Emily released a small sigh before speaking again, "It's just that I like someone. That person is a very close friend of mine and I don't want to make it awkward between us because I love the relationship that we have. I feel like if I say something I going to mess up everything if I say something so I haven't and it has been eating at me forever." She finally takes a breath. It took Stacie a hot second to get what she said because she talked so fast. 

"So, you like someone and you don't want to make it an awkward situation?" Emily nods. "Then why don't you just tell them? I don't think you should be afraid to do so." Stacie finished.

 Now, Emily had no idea what to do. Stacie had just opened up an opportunity for her to say something but she had no idea  what to say. 

"I like you, Stacie," she finally blurted out then immediately started to ramble. "It's like I'm in love with you. I totally understand if you do not feel the same way. I don't even kn-," She was cut off by Stacie's lips connecting to her own. She was shocked, but instantly relaxed and kissed back. She pulled back and looked at Stacie. 

"I like you too, Emily. Or should i say, I'm in love with you too," Emily couldn't believe her ears. 

"You... like me? Like that?" Emily began rambling again. 

"I do, Em," Stacie began, " I really do. I've felt the same way you do. When you first come to the Bella house to audition, I knew there was something different about you. And I heard you sing for the first time. That moment on, I knew that was something there. I had always put my feelings down because we became such good friends so fast and I did not want to mess any of that up because I loved the relationship that we have. But I guess there's not much to hide any more." 

Emily smiled. She really did know what to say now. "So what does that make us?" 

"What do you want us to be?" Stacie said, looking Emily in eye. 

Once again, Emily had no idea what to say until finally something came out. "Will you be my girlfriend?" She looked down at her hands, "Too soon?"

Stacie shook her head, "I'd love to be your girlfriend, Em." She said pulling Emily into another kiss. 

Emily never expected any of this to happen.


So here is the first "installment" of Pitch Perfect One Shots

In the comments, leave prompts, ships, or ideas you would like me to use and write with. 

I hope you guys enjoy this, More are coming... maybe today. Its currently 2:30 AM. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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