Vines that keep me alive

3 2 1

1. How to not be awkward:
Step 1-Make animal sounds then say bye
Darrel-So this weekend I lov-
Me-*Sheep sounds* ok baiiiiiii

2.Narrating lives
Ex.Thomas:Then at this point he knew they were lost
Thomas' mom:Are we lost
Thomas' dad:No
Thomas:He lied
Dad:Stop it!

3.Pokemon pranks w/ friends
Thomas:Mr.mime use barrier
Friend:*Gets blocked by plastic wrap taped to doorway*
Thom:use barrier
Other friend:*Trips on the wrap*
Thom: use barrier
Friend3:runs through wrap tripping and falling onto carpet

Anyone remember those
Wordcountkazhdbam: 92 words

My randomness bookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon