Chapter IX: Recovery

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Your eyes shoot open and you quickly push yourself up onto your elbows. You're about to sit upright when you feel a hand on your chest, forcing you back down.

"Easy brother, easy."

Blinking several times, the haziness leaves your vision and you're able to make out your surroundings. You're in a circular room without a ceiling, the night sky black overhead. The only light comes from several candles mounted on brackets spaced evenly along the wall, flooding the room in a dim glow. The room is unfamiliar to you. As your brain starts to reboot, the adrenaline levels lowering, you suddenly become aware of just how much pain you're in. Your entire body feels like it's on fire, a dull stabbing coming from your shins and thigh, your chest even worse. Beyond the pain you barely register the fact that your entire body is completely wet. Looking down, you're surprised to find yourself in a tub of steaming water, dressed in nothing but your undergarments. The gash across your chest has been stitched up, as have several other cuts along your body.

"Where... am I?" You ask groggily.

"Relax Brother (L/N). You're home now."

Looking up, you see Grandmaster Ischi staring down at you in concern. You're back at Sun Zhang.

"Why am I..."

"You were badly injured." Ischi says. "We found you on the brink of death, buried under a pile of rubble. We brought you here and tended to your wound, placing you in this medicinal bath to heal."

"How long was I out?" You ask, rubbing the back of your head.

"About two weeks. We were beginning to worry that you might not wake up."


From the shadows step four additional robed figures. You identify them as the other members of the high council; Grandmasters Yi, Wu Kong, Roth, and Fan Lang.

"Welcome home Brother (L/N)." Grandmaster Yi says.

You scoff at her words.

"Do you find something amusing?" Grandmaster Roth asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing. It's just ironic that you still believe I would consider this place my home after everything that's happened."

"Brother, despite how you may feel, this will always be your home." Yi says. "And we will always be your family."

"This isn't my home." You say firmly. "And you're not my family. The only family I need is Yan... Yang! Where is she? Is she okay?"

"Easy brother, you'll upset your wounds." Wu Kong warns. "You must relax."

"Don't tell me to relax!" You shout, fighting against their hands. "Where's Yang? I need to see her!"

"I'm afraid that will have to wait." Fan Lang says. "You aren't in a well enough condition to be doing anything at the moment."

"I don't care about that, I need to see Yang!"

"(F/N)!" Ischi says loudly, causing you to fall silent instantly. "We understand your concern for the girl, and if you would calm down, we would be happy to inform you that she is alive and well."

"She is?" You ask, sighing a breath of relief. "Where is she?"

"She is with her father and sister at their home on the island of patch." Wu Kong informs you. "We have Brothers Saraab and Ko making sure she's safe while you recover."

Though you're happy to hear that Yang is safe, something about what Grandmaster Wu Kong said has you curious.

"Why do you have people looking after Yang for me? Why do you care?"

Male Reader x RWBY: Volume 3 / Reader x Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now