The First Glance

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At first glance she didn't look all that special, and to be honest she wasn't.

School was a hassle and nothing but unnecessary she thought to herself as her lecture went on.

She didn't have many friends, she didn't believe in them. She recalls a memory from when she was little, she had a small crush on her neighbor when she was six. He ended up pushing her out of a tree breaking her arm.

It kinda ruined friends and relationships as a whole. She was better without them anyways.

She passed the time in her classes by drawing little comics, just because she didn't believe in relationships didn't mean she couldn't fantasize about them.

In her story though, the male is a playboy who tries to impress a girl who isn't interested at first, but over time falls for the playboy.

In the end the playboy had gotten what he wanted so he moved onto the next town.

She didn't know why she was always mopey, she didn't have a real reason to be.

"(y/n)?" The girl heard her name and looked up from her desk, "yah" she replied, slight attitude clear in her voice.

She didn't liked to be talked to really, she preferred to be alone, she liked being the black sheep of the crowd.

"Didn't you hear the bell? Or were you too busy scribbling down?"

Her male teacher looked at her, she noticed that his forehead consisted of wrinkles, and a big vein in his forehead threatening to pop out.

She rolled her eyes as she put her things in her bag.

"Old man." She muttered starting  to leave the classroom.

"What was that (y/n) Detention?"

Continuing to head towards the door, she put up her middle finger to the old man.

She didn't care about "respect". Respect had to be earned, you don't just randomly get the title cause' you're old.

Lunch was always a mess, if there wasn't a fight there was yelling or just people being loud. She wished she could hang out else where, she hated sitting with people she didn't like.

But she didn't like anybody, everyone is so annoying she would think, or everyone was just unnecessary.

Even though she didn't like them, she still sat at a table with a group of girls. The type of girls that would get excited about panties or boys.

She sat with them because most of the time they would be texting each other even though their not even mere millimeters apart.

They were quiet most of the time. She didn't want to seem weird or anything so despite her being the black sheep typically, she didn't want labels. Labels can fuck off.

Her phone vibrates, looking down to see it's a message from the girl in front of her. "What the fuck is this?"

"A text message?" The girl in front of her said in a quiet tone.

"I'm here, I'm literally fucking here." She said making hand gestures towards herself. The one in-front of her just stares like an idiot.

"Fine whatever." She gets up gathering her things, ready to leave.

"omg you're so extra." A different girl comments looking up from her phone.

"Just say the Fucking word, just say 'oh my God'." She rolls her eyes as she puts her books in her bag.

"Eat shit." She says as she walks off leaving her lunch at the table.

"Fucking can't stand those cunts." She mutters to herself as she leaves the building. She didn't care if she would get detention it didn't matter.

School didn't matter.

Sometimes I believe I have anger issues but sometimes I believe that I just know things.

I'm not a smart-ass or at least don't go out of my way to be, things just get annoying y'know.

I kinda wanna run over Kimberly over with my car. Does that make me a psychopath? Nah I don't think so.

I just know what I want.

Laughing on the outside, Crying on the inside (James X Reader EOTFW) Where stories live. Discover now