RP partners wanted :D

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Well I have have a few interesting scenarios that I would like to try. Some are a little more risque and others more innocent and some could go either way. These ideas are in no particular order besides the order I thought of them. If you would like to do any of these with me, please tell me in the comments or pm if you would rather do that. I'm fine with doing a test or warm-up rp if anyone wants to do that first.

So first off these are the pairings I ship the most(some I have already role played as):

Norway x Iceland
Denmark x Norway
(I don't see any of the Nordic countries as brothers so if this disgusts you, please don't judge me for shipping them.)
Russia x Lithuania
America x Lithuania

Roles I've played

Roles I've played

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I have role played as England, Lithuania, and America(a little bit, I'm not very confident that I can play him well but I could probably try anyway)

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I have role played as England, Lithuania, and America(a little bit, I'm not very confident that I can play him well but I could probably try anyway). I really want to roleplay as Romano, maybe Iceland(I just don't know much about him yet besides the fact he's absolutely adorable), and possibly Finland with someone. I'm also kinda curious if I could play a good or even decent Norway. Also I have no preference when it comes to using country names or human names(as long as I know them).


(Background info: They are both teenagers, England, 18, and France, 19. France has had other relationships both emotional and physical, but France is England's first boyfriend. Which comes with both perks and challenges for the older boy.) England has been in a relationship with France for almost 5 months. However, he has a problem that is making the relationship difficult to maintain. England has always been hesitant to let people get close to him. As a result, he gets exceedingly anxious when the other boy invades his personal bubble. He either gets extremely defensive(by moving out of reach, slapping, or pushing his boyfriend away) or freezes up when France tries to touch or kiss him. Occassionally England would go along with what France was doing. But France could always tell that he was forcing himself and couldn't bring himself to take advantage of the younger boy. His boyfriend was trying his best to be patient and let the shy brit slowly warm up to his advances. But after waiting so long, he was beginning to think the problem wouldn't be fixed without some kind of intervention. So France has an idea that gives his partner the chance to shake his fear/nervousness of intimate contact and perhaps even learn to enjoy it.
(Looking for a somewhat serious France, can still be flirty, but he cares deeply for England and doesn't want to hurt him. Could be smutty or just them kissing and cuddling, honestly I would be fine with either. I just think this would be really fun ^///^ Inspired partially by the pic shown below)

 I just think this would be really fun ^///^ Inspired partially by the pic shown below)

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So one day Romano decided to get off his lazy ass and make lunch for Spain.  He wanted so badly to eat with Spain that he promised himself he wouldn't eat until the stupid bastard came home. He forces himself to not eat even when he stomach feels like it's eating itself from the inside. After the fourth day of his annoying companion not coming back, he finally called Spain to ask him(not so politely) when he was going to get his business done and get his ass back there. However, not even half way through his third insult Romano passed out while still on the phone. When Romano's voice suddenly cuts off and he hears a loud thud, Spain goes into a panic. He immediately stops what he's doing to go over and check on his friend. Spain is horrified when he sees that Romano is unconscious on the kitchen floor and he looks like he hasn't eaten in several days. So he decides to take care of the other man, starting with the terrible bump on the side of his head.
(This one will probably be more on the innocent side. I really want to see Spain take care of Romano and I would love to see how this would go in an rp)

 I really want to see Spain take care of Romano and I would love to see how this would go in an rp)

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So these are just a couple ideas that I've come up with so far. I would love to try some rps with the other pairings as well. If anyone wants to do one of these rps, or if you have an idea for a rp with any of the other ships I would love to hear from you all.

-ShamelessShipper925 out *goes off to get lost in the thousands of Hetalia pics online*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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