Chapter 11| Firebolt

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"No idea." Hermione said running off. We ran towards the forest and hid behind trees again. "Look. It's Lupin." She said as the tree started to shake again. "Immobulus" Lupin said as the tree began to calm down. He climbed down the trees small opening.

Moments later another man showed up. "And Snape's coming." I said pointing at the man as he avoided being smacked around. "And now we wait." Hermione said sitting against the tree. "And now we wait." Harry repeated. Buckbeak played around with some stuff on the ground as we sat and waited.

"At least someone's enjoying himself." I said looking at the hippogriff. "Yeah." Harry said. "Guys?" Harry said. "Yeah?" We said in unison. "Before, down by the lake. when I was with Sirius... I did see someone. That someone made the dementors go away. With a Patronus. I heard Snape telling Dumbledore. According to him... only a really powerful wizard could have conjured it." He said pausing. "It was my dad. My dad conjured the Patronus." He finished.

"Harry, but your dad's..." I started. "Dead. I know. I'm just telling you what I saw." He said. "Here we come." Hermione said pointing to us. "You see Sirius talking to me there?" He said as we nodded. "He's asking me to come live with him." He said smiling wide.

"That's great." I said. "When we free him, I'll never have to go back to the Dursleys'. It'll just be me and him. We could live in the country... someplace you can see the sky. He'll like that after all those years in Azkaban." Harry said before Hermione's scream cut him off.
"Harry! Run!" Past Hermione yelled. "Let's go." She said pulling us up. We saw Harry, Lupin, and Sirius standing in the pale moonlight.

Lupin began to charge at Harry before Hermione howled. "What are you doing?" Harry asked looking at her shockingly. " Saving your life." She said howling again. "Thanks." He said watching the wolf.
"Great. Now he's coming for us." I said.

"Yeah, I didn't think about that. Run!" Hermione said. I looked for a moment before I felt a hand grab my arm and drag me. We ran through the dark woods as the large werewolf chased us. We came to a large tree, we slowed down and circled around it. As we walked around the tree the pale light lit up the area and I could see Harry was the one dragging me through the woods.

Moments later the werewolf charged at us again. Luckily Buckbeak was there and attacked him causing the wolf to run off. "That was so scary." I said holding my heart. "Poor Professor Lupin's having a really tough night." Hermione said. "Sirius. Come on!" Harry said still dragging me.

We ran over to a large lake to see past Harry and Sirius on the ground surrounded by dementors. "This is horrible." Hermione said looking away. "Don't worry. My dad will come. He'll conjure the Patronus. Any minute now. Right there. You'll see." He said watching intently.
"Harry, listen to me. No one's coming." I said grabbing his shoulder.
"Don't worry, he will. He will come." Harry reassured.

"Sirius" I muttered watching him be surrounded by more dementors.
"You're dying... both of you. Harry!" Hermione yelled. "Expecto Patronum!" Harry yelled casting off a large beam of light. The dementors flew away leaving Sirius and Harry alive. We grabbed Buckbeak and flew towards the tiny cell at the top of the school.

" You were right, Hermione. It wasn't my dad I saw earlier. It was me! I saw myself conjuring the Patronus before. I knew I could do it this time because... well, I had already done it. Does that make sense?" Harry exclaimed as we flew on Buckbeak. "No. But I don't like flying...!" She said before Buckbeak nose dived and she screamed very loudly. We landed on top of the school walking to the small cell that Sirius sat in. "Bombarda!" Hermione said causing the cell door to burst off. We got back onto the hippogriff and flew down to the courtyard.

"I'll be forever grateful for this all of you." Sirius said sitting with Harry. Hermione and I walked away as Harry and Sirius talked a bit. I stood with her petting Buckbeak when she started to speak. "Can I ask you a very serious question?" She asked. "Yeah, what's up?" I said facing her.

"What is it that you see in Draco, I mean he's horrid to Harry, Ron and I. How do you see past that?" She asked. "Well, he's changed ever since he's been with me he's not given you trouble, right?" I said. She seemed hesitant to answer before speaking again. "And you really... like Draco?" She asked. "Well, yeah but if he's bullying you guys again.." I started.

"No, we're fine" she said touching my hand. "Are you sure? Because if he is I..." I started again. "Y/N! We're fine, I just wanted to make sure you were being treated right" she said. "Well, of course" I said. She hugged me as Sirius and Harry's conversation came closer.

"It's cruel that I spent so much time with James and Lily, and you so little. But know this: The ones that love us never really leave us. And you can always find them... in here." Sirius said pointing to Harry's heart. "You really are the brightest witch of your age." He said to Hermione. He bent down close to my ear before he spoke again. "You mind watching out for Harry while I'm away, I know you two are close or at least that's what I sense and it'd be nice to have that extra reassurance" he said. "Of course, I'll do my best to keep him out of trouble" I giggled.

He smiled as he hopped onto Buckbeak's back riding off into the dark night sky. "We have to go." Hermione said dragging us back inside. We ran back towards the hospital wing to see Dumbledore closing the doors. "Well?" He asked. "He's free. We did it." Harry said.

"Did what? Good night." Dumbledore said walking off smugly. We opened the doors, we saw us vanish and Ron still laying in the bed. "How did you get there? I was talking to you there. And now you're there." Ron said frantically pointing as we walked in. "What's he talking about, Harry?" Hermione asked. "I don't know." Harry said.

"Honestly, Ron. How can somebody be in two places at once?" I said.

~Time Skip~

I walked into the great hall and saw a ton of gryffindor kids surrounded around the table. I walked next to Ron as I saw a large package. "Stand back, I said! Or I'll take it upstair if you don't settle." Ron said worried. "Harry. Wherever did you get it?" A kid asked. "Can I have a go, Harry? After you, of course." Another asked.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked standing next to me. "Quiet. Let the man through." Another said as Ron moved away to reveal the package. "I didn't mean to open it, Harry. It was badly wrapped. They made me do it." Ron said pointing to Fred and George.
"Did not." They said in unison. "It's a Firebolt! It's the fastest broom in the world." Fred said.

"For me? But who sent it?" Harry asked. "No one knows" Ron said. "This came with it." Hermione said holding a large hippogriff feather. "Go on, Harry!" Kids yelled. "Yeah, let's see. How fast is it, Harry?" Kids yelled as he ran to the courtyard.

He sat on the broom before looking back at the crowd of kids gawking at his broom. "Y/N, want to join me?" He asked holding his hand out. "Why me?" I asked. "You helped me get this" He said. "So did Hermione" I said.

"Yeah, but she hates flying, so you coming?" He asked his hand reaching out. I placed my hand in his and sat on the broom. Before I knew it he took off at the speed of light as I held on tight to his waist.

This year was amazing, I cannot Wait until next year, what antics may take place.

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