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They did it. They got married. And even had two children. Scott and Cameron. Two boys, and they were adorable.

Mike and Scott went to Rome the week after they returned Elias back to California. She stayed there for a while. Earning money like never before. She was good at what she did, but she was ready to move on.

She returned to Idaho as soon as she could. For Mike,m. Now that financial stability wasn't a question anymore, she bought an apartment building, and let had the homeless hustlers discover what it was like to live normal again.

Elias had a heart like that. But Mike, he moved on to finding a real job for all of them, getting them off the streets and off of drugs. He knew how deteriorating being a hustler truly was, and with the love of Mike Waters, he helped them.

The promise ring was soon replaced with a very precious wedding ring, it wasn't big or anything, but it was gorgeous. Their wedding wasn't big either, but celebrating their love was more important than how many people attended the wedding.

Their love wasn't always happy and lovely though. It was stressful, there was a few fights. But they always sprung back with one specific activity. Can you guess it? Sex.

Sex was a common thing in their relationship. Many of their friends wondered how they didn't have a dozen children throughout their marriage.

Unfortunately, Mike never found his mother. But that was okay. He knew he could move on, closure player a superior part in that. He did find his brother. But he was somebody he did not want to stick around with, so he came back home to Elias.

Scott Favors got off the drugs, and eventually found his way back to his father who he neglected for so long. Scott ended up taking over the old hotel and renovated it into a whole new hotel. Thanks to the help from his father.

I guess all I can say now is, happily ever after.



They were all striving through life. Trying the best to make it normal. But being a hustler comes with risking their lives.

They got Scott first. Begging for money that his father was no longer providing him with. He used all the money on the hotel. So, they killed him. Yes, they were looking for Bob, but he passed away. So they take the life of a former hustler who had nothing but a normal life in front of him. He was thirty two.

Mike and Elias knew they were being chased down. They just knew it. They hid themselves when they went to Scott's funeral. It was the worst day of their lives for both of them. Elias sobbed as she held Cameron in her arms. Mike was too nervous to show emotion. But it was there.

They tried to moved out of state. To California, and start over. But it was too late. Mike ended up going to jail for drug crimes he did not commit, but he went down to it because that's what a hustler is trained to do. He was killed in there at the age of twenty seven. Leaving widowed Elias Waters.

She was devastated. She questioned for so long why they didn't take her when she left the first time. Everything was going so well, so in love. So happy. Elias felt like life wasn't worth living without her love and her best friend. She gave her children to adoption and sadly took her life. Her young self was only twenty five.

Thanks for reading
All the love

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