Chapter 8

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"Taehyung ,you know i like Yoongi Hyung but i don't know how to say this to Hobi Hyung.He will be hurt.I just don't know what to do."Jimin said.
"Chim,I know it's tough but it's better to tell him the truth than give him false hope.That would hurt him even more"Taehyung said.
"When did you become a love guru?Is it because of Jungkook?"Jimin asked with a playful smile.
"Jimin please don't spoil my mood by bringing up that jerk"Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"Okay sorry.Shall we go and hang out?"Jimin asked.
"Yea,I haven't seen the Park Hyungs in a while"Taehyung smiled.

The council meeting was held at Jungkook's office.His aura had changed.The meeting was held in the board room.Everyone was facing each other and Jungkook was standing up.He looked intimidating.
"I have always respected you guys as my elders but it seems like you are undermining my authority .I have let you do want to wanted up until now and i never questioned any of you.How can you disrespect Taehyung like that?He is my mate and the Lunar of this pack.If anything like this happens i won't hesitate to execute any of you.As far as an heir is concerned that is between us.I won't have anyone create an upheaval in this pack."Jungkook spat.
"And also Mr Choi I would really appreciate it if you kept your daughter in check"Jungkook deadpaned.
"The meeting has ended  but before that if anyone has something to say you can say it now"Jungkook said but no one said anything .They just bowed and left the room.Jungkook sighed after they had all left.

2days later.
Hey Hyung.

What do you want ,Jeon?

Are still mad at me?

What do you think?You are very lucky that I'm replying your texts and that i haven't blocked you ,yet.

So are you coming back ?.

You bet i am.You better tell that bitch of yours that if she ever crosses my path ,I will kill her.

Hyung ,she is not my bitch.She is my ex

Yea whatever.

I think that the reason why you are so salty is because i never told you about her before.

It's nothing like that .I just hate her.And I don't care about whom you dated before.Plus let's face it she's probably got nothing on me.I think she has got a flat ass.

Hyung,you are so funny .How would you know that you haven't seen her .

Why am i even talking to you anyways.

Hyung .massage not sent.

You are no longer able to send messages to this  number.You have been blocked

"I can't believe he blocked me"Jungkook thought to himself as he was in his office.

After another 2days.
Don't even think about coming here.Yoongi Hyung is itching to kill you.

Well you unblocked me.

Don't be too happy.I might just block you again.


The next day Hoseok was crying when Jimin had chosen Yoongi over him.Taehyung was trying to calm the older male.
"Hyung stop crying ,Jimin might
have not picked you but I'm here,right?I will marry you"Just then someone arrived and Hoseok started crying even more.
"How can you think of marrying some one else when I'm here?"the voice asked.Taehyung was startled.Hoseok quickly broke from the hug and went into the house.
"Well you can always  marry that bitch .She seems to be crazy about you,I'm not."Taehyung said sasily.

"You must be Jungkook.It seems like you have come to meet your death"Yoongi said as he was coming out of the house with house.
"And whom might you be?"Jungkook asked.
"Well,it seems like you don't know me.I'm someone who is going to kill you if you make our Taetae cry"Yoongi spat and it sent shivers down Jungkook's spine.
"Hey Kookie ,this is Yoongi ,he is like Taehyung's brother and he meant it when he said he would kill you"Jimin laughed.
"So why are you glued to him ,then?"Jungkook asked.
"Well he is my mate"Jimin giggled.
"He's what?Your mate?What did you see in that midget?"Jungkook asked completely shocked.
"Tae do i have the permission to hit this jerk?"Yoongi asked.
"Of course you can hit him,Hyung"Taehyung said and Jungkook was shocked by the betrayal.Before he even knew it he was punched in the jaw.
Jimin gasped and went to tend to cousin.He gave him an ice pack.Taehyung and Yoongi were grinning like idiots.

Mr Kim came back home and met Jungkook.He finally took Taehyung back to the Hilton pack.Jungkook planned to have a serious conversation with his mate but the older was busy jaming to music in the car.
"Hyung,how could you let that midget punch me."Jungkook asked.
"1.You deserved it.2.He has a name and 3.He is your cousin's mate."Taehyung said looking at his nails.
"Was Taehyung always like this?"Jungkook thought as he tilted his head.
"Hyung,are you perhaps on your periods?"Jungkook teased.
"What the fuck,Jeon?"Taehyung hit Jungkook's shoulder and Jungkook laughed.
"My heat is 5 days late already"Taehyung thought and he just shrugged it off.They finally arrived  in Hilton and the Jeon couple was really happy to see Taehyung.Jin and Namjoon were also there.

The next morning Taehyung personally went to Lin's house.He didn't tell anyone about where he was going.
"You are Lin right?I bet you know who i am but I will introduce myself.I'm Kim Taehyung ,Lunar of the Hilton pack,mate of Jeon Jungkook who is the alpha of Hilton pack.I'm also Kim Taehyung the son of the head alpha of Skyla pack."Taehyung said.
"And what are you?Nothing.I don't give a shit that you dated Jungkook and you still want him.Just don't mess with me.Stay in your limits or i won't hesitate to get you and your whole family executed" .Taehyung smirked afterwards.

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