First Days

174 3 13

WOW, this feels weird. In case you didn't read my profile (no one generally does and that'll make sense momentarily) I come from, a sister, parallel site to Wattpad... in a sense. This is my first time posting on this website, so if I screw stuff up, forgive me.

Anyway, as this is a one-shot "book" (weird calling it that and just not fanfiction, but I'll live), some things in here may make absolutely no sense - and if you already knew that, well... yeah.

(This is awkward)

*coughs* Um, moving on. I hope you enjoy the inner machinations of my mind, starting with this.

Ash Ketchum breathed a relieved sigh as the lecture ended. The T.V. screen went black and not a moment later, the professor gave them all a smile and wished them a good day. The students left in bursts, some eager to leave immediately while others held back for various reasons (talking to the professor or friends, last-minute gatherings, etc.). He kept to his seat until there was no one in the line of fire of his chair when he pushed out, and left silently, hoisting his backpack over one shoulder while his free one rested comfortably in his jacket pocket.

Ash glanced down the long hallway, where on the opposite end his last class of the day resided. As he walked, he was silently grateful he chose the afternoon classes over the morning ones; the hallway was less crowded with people which meant fewer headache initiators, a godsend considering how the day went so far.

He dropped into a seat with a sigh, not even bothering to take note of where he chose to sit or how loud his voice was.

"Tough day, huh?"

Ash jumped a few inches, smacking his knees into the underbelly of the table. He whirled his head to the intrusive noise, eyes bulging as he spotted a honey blonde girl grinning at him with mirthful blue eyes in the seat next to him. His throat suddenly found itself void of the ability to speak, and he let out a miserable whine in response to the stinging pain that coursed through his knees.

She giggled, and he had to find a way to regain his ability to speak, or at least think.

"First days are always miserable," she answered for him, tapping her pencil against the gray tabletop, twirling it expertly a few times before repeating the same process. He inhaled silently, rubbing his knees to will away the developing ache.

"Indeed," he finally grumbled, internally whacking himself over the head for his stupidity. She giggled nonetheless, and he didn't care if it was at him or with him. He chuckled with her, using the moment of reprieve to glance at the clock, inwardly relieved the lecture wasn't to start for another few minutes.

He used that time to formulate a better response that was more than two syllables, "It's my first year as well as my first day, and already I'm being treated like I'm one final away from my Bachelor's."

She giggled again, and the ache vanished.

"I guess I'm lucky then," she grinned, holding her pencil high like it was a trophy, "All I got were greetings and "share-your-own stories" type of deal. What are you majoring in?"

He blinked, "Computer science, I want to become a game developer." She nodded, seemingly genuinely interested.

"Why are you taking Humanities then?" She questioned with a grin. His face went red and he absentmindedly scratched the back of his head.

"I-uh... Well..." he chuckled, a bit less embarrassed when she mirrored his chuckle, "It was an accident actually." Her eyebrows shot up slightly, and another embarrassed laugh escaped him.

"When I uh... chose my courses, I accidentally picked this one. I don't want to drop out though."

"Even though you get a refund?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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