Untitled Part 1

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Demon Dean was tied to a chair in the panic room, Cas looked to Sam. "Lock me in, don't open the door no matter what, ok?" Sam hesitated. "Ok Sam?" He nodded and left, after the door shut, a bright blue light shone from the cracks, Deanmon, as Cas had started calling him in his head, frowned.

"What was that?" He demanded.

"An Angel spell, no one can open the door, only an Archangel, and it's sound proof."

"So, what are you gonna do to me?" Cas took off his trench coat, then his tie. "Oh, now you mean business." Cas started unbuttoning his shirt and Deanmon shifted, after Cas took off his shirt, he pulled down his pants, leaving him in only boxers. "So, what, you gonna seduce me into being good?" Deanmon's eyes were dark, his breathing heavy, and he licked his lips as his eyes raked Cas' body. Cas couldn't help but think of how those eyes had raked him before, only it was his Dean that did it back then.

"No, I was just uncomfortably warm. I'm not gonna do anything, except inject you with Holy Water when needed."

"Oh come on, don't you need a little TLC?" Cas tilted his head.

"Yes. From you? No." Deanmon tensed, his jaw clenched and his eyes darkened dangerously.


"Who else? Dean." The Demon frowned confusedly, loosening up.

"I am Dean."

"No, you're just in him, if you were Dean, my Dean, you'd of never harmed Sam, your own brother."

"I am Dean, just the Demon version, the dark Dean, I have all my memories and my human self's emotions, they're just dulled." Cas scoffed.

"You tried to kill Sam, if you felt a fraction of what my Dean felt for him, you never would of done that."

"Like I said, dulled, and I wasn't going to kill him, just seriously injure. My morals are all out of wack, I mean, I am a Demon. That doesn't mean I'm not protective of you two, if anyone else even thought of doing what I was going to, I'd skin them alive." The anger and protectiveness in Deanmon's eyes was hard to doubt. Cas felt himself sink into the eyes of the man he'd loved, and couldn't help but see his Dean.

"Those remnants will fade away, until you and my Dean will have nothing in common except the skin you wear, and you might even lose that too, you are a Demon after all."

"I won't, I'm not you're average Demon. I am your Dean, I always will be, I may stray a little, but you'll bring me back, as you always do."

"You do know I can't undo the spell, right? I'm not an Archangel." Deanmon frowns.

"I know." He told him carefully.

"So you're saying all that to get laid? Wow, you must be desperate, all I ever got before was "you look good". Then again, it wasn't exactly hard to get me to fuck you then as I was devoted to you." Deanmon's eyes showed hurt for a moment, though it changed into determination.

"We never fucked, we made love, I loved, and love, you Cas. I will do what I can to prove to you I'm still your Dean." Cas looked at him thoughtfully, and then clicked his fingers and a blindfolded blonde girl appeared in front of them. Deanmon frowned. "Who is she?"

"That doesn't matter. If I let you go and give you a knife, what would you do?"

"Kiss you, why?" Cas gave Deanmon a kitchen knife, then untied him.

True to his word, Deanmon walked straight to Cas, dropping the knife on the way, and pulled him into a searing kiss. In a moment of weakness, Cas kissed back and their lips moved in harmony. Dean's arms wrapped around Cas' waist, and Cas' wrapped around Dean's neck. Dean bit Cas' lip, causing him to moan, and took the opportunity to slip his tongue in, their lips battled for dominance, and Dean gyrated against Cas.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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