The meet

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Three days had passed the matter was covered  by other social and political  needs . The royal members were at unrest but life went on. Arya too well adapted to her new habitat. Anshuman  was still on his trail. His horse trotted sluggishly due to the constant toil. It hadnt been given its full feed.
They had reached the outskirts.  He dismounted by a fresh lake and rested his body heavy with lack of rest under a shady tree.
The horse was left open to freedom. Anshuman slowly drifted off to sleep. He pulled himself together as he felt a sharp pinch on his chest. Surrounded by some rural tribe he quickly fastened to the knife at his waist. With a single hand he pushed several of them back as they scattered across.  A man approached carrying a harsh  thick ropeto bound him as he smothly  dodged aside . The men were warily watching him. Until a familiar face came before him.
Arya! The love of his life. It was her.
Anshuman was silent he didn't reveal his identity.  He well knew the ambitious lady would not be pleased to meet the future ruler of such a small region.
No way he was losing her now. He had to win her any how.

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