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Saturday was finally here Annabeth and I were already packed and waiting at half blood for a special car Chiron promised us as our ride to the city. When I told him we were taking a trip to the city he seemed reluctant but he didn't ask questions and allowed us to go. I'm very happy he didn't ask to many questions because I really didn't want to tell him what I had in mind for me and Annabeth this weekend.

Word got around fast that we were taking a trip. All the Aphrodite girls stared and giggled when I walked by. I assume Piper had something to do with that. Also Annabeth has been spending a lot of time in the Aphrodite cabin. I assume it was because of the special occasion. I didn't really care though in fact I was really excited to see what Annabeth had in store for me, that she got from the Aphrodite girls.

Annabeth and I were standing on half blood hill, my arm around her shoulders and her head resting on my collarbone. After what felt like an eternity the car pulled up with no one driving it which I thought was strange.

I was shocked my jaw dropped, so did Annabeth's. Right in front of us was a blue Ferrari and it was absolutely awesome. I could see that the interior was black leather through the windshield.

"You ready to go wise girl" I asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be seaweed brain."

Annabeth replied while giving me a huge grin.

I opened the trunk and placed our bags inside, then slammed the trunk shut. I ran to the door and hoped inside. It was way better than I thought. I immediately turned on the radio and sped off down the hill.


When we arrived at the hotel again I was shocked it looked amazing and defiantly I knew this was really expensive. I looked over at Annabeth and she was amazed.

"You like it?" I asked. "Oh my gods. YES! The architecture is amazing!" She told me very excited. I just rolled my eyes. We got out of the car and I grabbed the bags out of the trunk, and the valet took the car off.

When we walked in, for the 3rd time I was blown away. The inside was huge and so fancy. I really need to thank Aphrodite again. I walked towards the lady sitting at the desk; bags still in hand. "Um excuse me we have a room here under the name Jackson." I said kind of nervous.

"Let me check mister Jackson. Hmmm... ah yes here you are the deluxe sweet on the top floor here you are sir." She said while handing me 2 key cards. "Thank you" I replied. Annabeth and I walked to the elevator and I pressed the top button. I set the bags down, and put my arms around to kiss her. We kissed the whole time we were in the elevator until we heard a ding and we reached the top floor.

" I love you." Annabeth said as I started to pick up the bags. "Love you to" I replied. "How much?" Annabeth asked. "You'll see soon enough" I responded. When we arrived at the room I swiped the key card then heard a


And the door opened. I set the bags down next to the door, then examined the room. It was huge with a 70" inch flat screen on the wall a mini fridge, a huge bathtub and a pretty open shower. Defiantly big enough for 2, which gave me some ideas. Before I could even look around more Annabeth turned around and smashed her lips into mine. The kiss kept getting deeper and more passionate. She then pulled away which I was not happy about, so I gave a little pouty face.

"Let me change into something more comfortable" Annabeth said in her sexy voice which instantly turned me on. She grabbed her bag and headed for the bathroom. "I'll be right back" she said still in that sexy voice. She closed the door.

The fun is about to begin.

AUTHORS NOTE- Hey so sorry this isn't the lemon chapter like a promised, but this chapter is already way longer then what I usually do. I promise tomorrow this story will be finished, and another story is on the way I'll post a preview either later today or tomorrow.btw it is a Percabeth story.

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