Chapter 2

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When prom was over, two weeks later......... Dameka cheated on Antonio. That night of prom Dayana found out, but when she went home to tell her sister Hannah she didn't believe her. It was late at night when Dayana got home.

(Dayana): (running up the stairs screaming Hannah's name) HANNAH!!!!!!

(Hannah): Be quite I am trying to sleep.


(Hannah): WAIT!? Why are you screaming.

(Dayana): Because I have to tell you something important.

(Hannah): Why you won't just let me sleep?

(Dayana): Because I really have to tell you something.

(Hannah): Whats wrong?

(Dayana): Mom is cheating on Dad

(Hannah): (Jumps up) Are you serious?

(Dayana): I'm dead serious

(Hannah): Does dad know?

(Dad): Yes, I know. I handled it.

(Hannah): What you do you mean you handled it?

(Dayana): Please, tell me you killed her.

(Dad): NO... Why would you think that?

*Hannah* (Starts crying)

(Dayana): Because you would do something stupid like that.

(Dad): Good night.... (starts that crazy laugh)

(Dayana): Hannah stop crying. Its gonna be alright.

(Hannah): Then where is mom.

(Dayana) I'm gonna call her.


(Hannah): WAIT!!!!!! Do you hear that?

(Dayana) YES, Hannah why do you think I have ears.

(Hannah): Come on Dayana..... Right now its not the time to play.

(Dayana): I will go down stairs to see if the phone leads to her.

(Hannah): I will go with you.

(Dayana): NO.. you stay here because you might do something stupid. Just have my back if anything happens.

(Hannah): You need to make up your mind what you want me to do.

(Dayana): Just shut and let me handle this you DUMMY.

(When Dayana walk downstairs into the basement, she saw her mom tied up to a chair.)

(Dayana): *(SCREAMS)*

And when Dayana screams she wakes up her dad.


(Hannah): (Runs downstairs and grabs a knife)

It was dark so she really couldn't see, even though she could of turn on the light, but she was focus on safing Dayana.

(Dayana): (Runs back up stairs and Antonio grabs her and locked his elbow around Dayana's neck).

(Dad): I told you GOOD NIGHT.

They were moving around to much because Dayana was trying to get him off of her and Hannah comes in and stabs Antonio. The two girls was crying and they were scared.

(Dayana): We need to call they police.

(Hannah): NO... we can't because (you) just killed somebody.

(Dayana): Know you did, you dummy.

(Dayana): He is not somebody he is our dad, you crackhead.

(Dayana): Let's just put him in the basement with mom.

(Hannah): I will call grandma Trina, and tell to pick us up.

(Dayana): Go pack all your clothes up and don't tell her what happen.

(Grandma Trina pulls in the drive way and goes u up to the door and rings the doorbell. Dayana and Hannah runs to the door.

(Grandma): Hi my angels, made I come in.

(Dayana): No, sorry me and Hannah just are really tired.

(Hannah): Yeah, we really need to be going.

(Grandma): Okay hope in the car.

When they get in the car and pulls out the driveway.

(Grandma): Are you girls hungry.

(Dayana): No, we need to be going, and how about you step on the gas a little bit.

(Grandma): Whats the rush?

(Dayana): Nothin we just really need to be going.

(Grandma): okay, well..... Hannah are you hungry.

(Hannah): NO, I ate at home.

(Grandma): SO......... Well what was Dameka and Antonio doing.

(Dayana): They are sleeping, you know it late.

(Grandma): They must been out last night partying.

(Hannah): Yep


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