an apple family greeting

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A/N ok so I know some of you are rereading most of this and thats because it published itself as I was working on it so I had to delete and rewrite some of the things I wrote but it's here so enjoy//

Twilight sat the base of a tree silently reading a book one of her science fiction books that she planned to read we earlier but never got around to it, but today she had no plans just a book in her magical grasp, resting in the shade of a tree on a warm day

A flash of wide flew past twilight, making a few pages turn as blue cyan pegasus began sitting a top a branch "hey Twi?" Rainbow dash began "gave you seen AJ lately? I haven't seen her around ponyville for almost a week"

"No, I have not seen her she's probably working on cyder session" twilight said, inserting a book mark on the page she was on

"Maybe.. wanna go check up on her? to you know see what she's doing"

Twilight thought for a moment, then answered "sure, it wouldn't hurt to check"

Knock knock knock

Twilight knocked on the door to the apple family house


Knock knock

More silence..

"Rainbow I don't think there home" twilight turned away from the door, noticing the rainbow was trying to look through the window into the dark house

"Maybe your right." Rainbow dash turned to Twilight about to leave when a slight almost silent creak stop them in there tracks. They turned around to see the the front door opened slowly

"Um guess we'll just let are self in then" rainbow suggest and walked in twilight close behind

The house seemed normal save for the lights off and the dead silence the apple family home held

"I'll check upstairs. Twi your search down here" before twilight could say anything rainbow dash was already up the stairs. Twilight sighed and began looking

Upon reaching the second floor Rainbow Dash tooking for Applejack but to a disliking all the doors were shut, she checked Big Macintoshes door.


"Weird" rainbow said to herself

She moved along to Granny Smith's room, and check the door


"Seriously?" Rainbow Dash said in slight frustration "does everypony lock there door?"

She sighed and continue down the line up next was Applejack's room, before she can put her hoof on the doorknob she heard Applejacks voice, she was talking to someone that someone raninbow dash did not know

"So four that's it?"

Rainbow pressed ear against the door listening into the conversation

"what if there's more? Like extra?"

Rainbow Dash shirt no voice respond Applejack but it seems like there was a conversation going on between two ponies one mute and the other allowed

"Does it matter wh- so just the first four I find answers extras just do the same?"

Silence befell Applejack's room Rainbow Dash could hear own heartbeat as the seconds ticked on of Silence

"got it, but don't forget your side of this"

With a creek Rainbow Dash slowly open the door. Applejack's room "hey uh AJ you all right? you talkin to?"

Rainbow Dash asked that she looked into the dark room she could barely make out anything in the room all except for the Big Bend corner and the window that was black and the air smelled dead

"Oh hay your just in time to help me with something" Applejack's said her voice sounding Halo.

"Uh Sure AJ just let me go get twi-"

"Oh Twilight see here as well? perfect!" Applejack interrupted Rainbow Dash in mid-sentence stepping a little closer into the the barely visible light that shine through the cracks of the wood. Applejack's had stained blood down her nose as if she had a nosebleed eyes widen as if she didn't get much sleep and her Hooves twitch the little with each walk

"Woah AJ you all right you're not looking so good" rainbow said with great concern

"Oh yeah I'm alright.. but you.. you seem tired.." Applejack commented

"Wait me? I look tired? You look like you haven't slept in days not too mention the bloody nose" rainbow put a hoof on Applejack's shoulder, her shoulder was cold

"Dash.. just lay down and rest.. you need it.." Applejack's voice was Holo almost ghost like

"Listen AJ come on let's get you to twilight-"

Pain erupted In The side of rainbows head as Applejack had bashed agents the door. The pain didn't last long as rainbow slipped out of consciousness. Her body hit the floor with a thud...


"Huh?" Twilight turned her head to look up towards the source of the noise her eyes widen though that's on the roof above her marked what she had carved in the woods was the phrase "ding dong ding dong" in four different lines "rainbow you all right? you got to see this"


"For Celestia sake rainbow"Twilight muttered under her breath as she walked towards the stairs or rainbow main friend recently had blown up as if she was being chased by a fire she expected the second floor was dark no lights except really random appearance of light through the crack in the wood

"Rainbow are you I can barely see oh-"

Twilight stopped mid-sentence noticing there had been a figure in the hallway it looked like a mare almost like Rainbow Dash but more bulky and a head out a top of head "AJ!" Twilight set allowed "thanks Celestia and you're actually here I'm seen rainbow she come over here look for you"

"Oh yeah I seen her.."

"Good, where is she?" Twilight asked again

"Follow me Twilight" Applejack turned around delete while and direction at Rainbow Dash had went Twilight soon followed

"Say AJ where's your family go off to?"

Applejack seen the tents at the question and stopped in their tracks "f-famly..?" She stuttered, her voice didn't sound hollow it sounded like she was sad, she shook her head "they're out" her voice was Halo again "Say twi do you know why I'm the Apple bucking champion"

Twilight raised her eyebrow at that completely random question "not really I mainly only know your good at it"

Applejack gave a holiday Chuckle "it's all in the kick.."

"Oh that's make sense-" twilight began just before a orange back hoof connected with her mussel. Twilight growned

"Hm? Still awake? Darn thought I would be quicker" Applejack thought out loud her Holo voice causing twilight's blood to run cold


"Quite" another Swift kick sent twilight's vison to spin and crash on the floor..

To be continued______________________

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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