We arrived at the dawn with a cry,
Into a new world away from home,
We met new people with a Hi,
But still waiting to get back home.Time passed and we got close,
And slowly understood the meaning of school,
Classes, homeworks, exams is what it meant,
It was nothing less than a nightmare for us.As time kept on flowing,
Friendship was what kept us glowing,
Friends were the reason we came to school,
And felt happy together when teachers called us fools.Playing, talking, having fun,
Making paper planes and paper guns,
Teasing and fighting like mad men,
Is what made us true school friends.Without realising, the final hour arrived,
This journey was coming to an end,
For us the temple of knowledge was no longer called school ,
It was more like a house of fools.
Just when time passed faster than ever,
School felt more enjoyable than ever.
And as the final bell rang,
We no longer wished to return home back.
Just as the dusk had arrived,
We departed,
This time too with a cry!