
404 15 5

November 18, 2008

I took a few deep breaths before smiling at myself in the mirror hoping a smile would get me in a better mood and just be thankful I'm still alive. I left the bathroom and made my way back to my dad. As I walked back, the boy from before turned, facing towards me from his booth. I noticed the other boy sitting across nudging him with a serious or worried expression present on his face. I ignored what happened and returned back to my dad seeing he was deep in thought.

I cleared my throat once again to get his attention.

"Azaiah, you know I didn't mean what I said like tha-"

"No dad, look, I brought you here because I know we've never been really close, so I thought if I was more open, we could fix that. I understand that you're shocked about this, but I'm not changing my mind. I know why you're not taking the news well. It's because you just don't want your name ruined in the public eye because your daughter who was fucking partially burned and now has scars everywhere, can't do shit without feeling self-conscious about what others might think." I replied not caring if anyone heard. I let a few tears I was holding back out.

"Azaiah, sweetie, you know I don't mean it like that."

"Then what exactly did you mean dad? Please explain any other reasoning you have as to why I shouldn't go follow my desires. You followed yours, right? Now look where you are, you're one of the most successful and famous directors in the world. I was on my way to follow my dream until this happened." I said as I moved my hair to show him the scars. "I didn't ask for this dad." I snapped at my dad.

"I understand why you're saying all of this, but sweetie, what I'm saying is for your own good. I know the world better than you. I know that these people out there aren't the most excepting." He rested his arms on the table looking directly at them. "Do the people you're auditioning at know how you look?"

I was a bit taken back by his choice of words. Why does it matter?

"No," I replied blankly. "And it shouldn't matter."

"Azaiah, its my job as your father to save you from humiliation. I don't want my daughter to make a fool out of herself. There's a difference from before and now. You want to go down a path where everyone will judge you for these scars, and you won't be able to hide them because it'll already be too late." He let out a sigh before rubbing his temple. "Now I'm going to give you the last say to weather you want to go to New York and make a fool of yourself or if your going to be smart and listen to you're father who is saving you from all the troub-" he was cut off by an unfamiliar voice.

"Hey babe, sorry I'm late, you know how LA traffic can

I stared at him. The him with the beautiful brown eyes and complementary eyelashes. I kept staring until he came and slid next to me giving me a side hug along with a kiss on my forehead.

"This must be you dad, right? Pleasure to meet you sir." He said extending his arm to my dad. I kept staring at him as he made his every move.

"Who are you exactly?" My dad asks him with an eyebrow raised as he still had an arm wrapped around me.

"Babe, you haven't told him? Here, I'll just introduce myself. The names Joel, Joel Pimentel, Azaiah's boyfriend. That's why we're here right? So I can finally meet the father of my beautiful girlfriend." He kept a wide smile as I continued to stare at him. "You guys didn't wait for me before ordering right? Sorry to keep you all waiting." He turned to look at me for the first time since he sat down. "You okay babe?"

"Huh-um-y-yeah. I'm fine."

"Azaiah, got anymore surprises? Or would you mind explaining this one?" My dad's said with clear confusion written all over his face.

"Oh sir, please, I told her we should surprise you. Let's just move on now. How are you sir?"

"Great, I love when I'm surprised by my daughter's boyfriend I didn't know about." He replied sarcastically.

"I was gonna tell you today dad." I said not really knowing what I was saying.

What the hell am I doing? Why am I going with this? What is he even doing here?

"So, Joel, what exactly do you do for a living?"

"Um-I'm actually in the midst of becoming a writer. I'm working on a novel right now in fact. It still has quite a long way to go but I know in the end, it'll really change some people."

"What do you mean by change people?"

"Oh never-mind that."

"Are you aware of Azaiah's decision?"

"To move to New York? Of course, I really think this is a great opportunity for her. I really think as a father, you should support her in her choice. She's an adult now, I'm sure she can tell whats good and bad for her, right?"

I couldn't believe what he was saying. I didn't know weather to be mad at him for eavesdropping and interfering in our personal matter or be thankful that someone understood my point of view.

"You must be the reason she even thought of something so outrageous. "

"He's not dad, he's only supporting me. Something you clearly can't do." I have no clue as to where this sudden outburst came from but I knew it wasn't doing me any good.

"If thats what you think, fine by me. Have a nice flight. Leave me a text when you get there so I know your at least safe. It was nice meeting you Joel, let me know how long you guys last." And with that, he slid out of the booth and made his way to the exit of the diner leaving me with him next to me. I kept staring at the table wondering if what I was doing was really wrong.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when he removed his arm from around me.

"Look, I'm really sorry about what happened with your dad, I didn't mean to cause you guys any trouble." I turned my head towards him and watched him slide from next to me to the seat previously used by my father.

"Why?" was all I could manage to say because I was still confused with everything that was happening at the moment.

"Why what?" he asked confused.

"Why are you here?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Oh yeah, about that, I just saw you storm off before and I may have been eavesdropping on your conversation to know the situation you were in. Also because you're hot."

I continued staring at him in disbelief not knowing how to react.
There was a silence filling the air between us. Luckily, the waiter finally came around with two milkshakes and fries setting them down in between him and I.


November 18thWhere stories live. Discover now