Day 1: Apollo on Earth

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The Place of Mount Olympus, the home of the gods and goddess, indeed a magnificent place. Beyond the entrance way of the clouds were several opulent palaces and halls that were built by Hephaestus; who is the god of technology, blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals and metallurgy. The Palaces belongs to the gods and goddess such as Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hestia, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis, Demeter, Athena and Apollo. But sometimes some gods and goddess of the other places gather there to have some fun.

Their Life is easy and peaceful. They lounged around, feasting on ambrosia and drinking nectar while listening to music and watch graceful dancers perform. The place is unaffected by Natural disasters and inconveniences that afflicted earth such as snow, thunderstorms, earthquakes and tornadoes.

The Atmosphere is very peaceful...

... until...


The god, Apollo stick out his tongue "Nyaaaa!" he screamed, as he runs away from Hera.

Hera stopped chasing him and shakes her head. After the war between her and Leto (Apollo's mother) she promised her husband Zeus, that they will adopt him because he fought hard for his life. Apollo is indeed strong, intelligent and he is the god of prophecy. On the other hand, he is a troublesome god because he likes to flirt with other goddesses and nymphs.

The moon goddess Artemis appeared beside Hera, "I'll take care of him..." she said.

A cloud appeared at Hera's back as she was about to sit down. "He should stop wooing every possible goddess or nymph he sees." she said, as she covers her face using her hands. "Your father... is getting old and he is a possible successor of the throne."

Artemis slowly turned to Hera, "I am sorry for being rude but father isn't going anywhere. He may be getting old but he won't die." she said,

Hera looked back at her, "I know... but Olympus needs a younger ruler and I believe that he can lead this place." she replied, Artemis sighed and disappeared.

"And I don't want to."

Apollo felt the arrival of Artemis, his voice was full of annoyance yet had a slightly begging tune to it; he hoped she would get the hint as she appeared behind him. "I know why you came here and I know what you will say." he said, he was sitting on a crystal stone while looking at the clear water.

Artemis knew that she will see him at his favorite spot, the crystal water river at the side of the Olympus. "You were not the god of prophecy for nothing" she said, sitting beside him.

"Why would she want me to be the ruler? She has sons like Ares and Hephaestus." he asked, and then he turned to look at her. "Father has lots of sons other than me." he looked down, grabbed a crystal and tosses it at the river. "She just wants to see me fail." he muttered.

"Did you see that oh god of prophesy?" she asked, rolling her eyes.

"No, but I know she just wants to see me fail... I know that she is at peace with us... but I still doubt her kindness."


He turned to look at her, and made a face. "She is an eevvviilllllll queen." he said, then looked away.

She frowned and stood up, "But she is right with one thing. You should stop playing with the hearts of goddesses, nymphs or muses." she crossed her arms, her beautiful blue gown swaying because of a gentle breeze.

"Stop?" he smirked, "Only with one condition" he said as he stood up and leaned towards his sister. "Let me take your virginity" he whispered.

"You know that I will be forever virgin, brother" she replied as she narrowed her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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