Chapter One

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The video has gone around everywhere. A man. Who knows how old. His experience is obvious. But that is beside the point. He is saving lives. Killing people, yes. But he is saving other people that don't deserve to be hurt. He is injured. The slide came back and caught him between his thumb and forefinger. That reminds me of my friend's dad. He hurt himself around the same time. And his wife was murdered. Could he be who everyone calls the "Grim Reaper"? I am waiting at the bus stop watching the video over and over again. Memorizing all the movements and paying close attention to the details. All of it. I need to know who this is and where he came from. The bus pulls up and I get on sitting in my original spot when this car, old looking but kept in prime shape drives by. Slowly might I add. I can't help but stare. Not only at the car but who is in it as well. I have a huge love for the older looking cars. It's nice having them around. And then looking at who is driving awes me. He is the most attractive man I've seen in my life! I continue to stare back and forth between him and the car when I realize he is staring right back at me. I immediately retreat into my seat hoping it wasn't me he was looking at. I peek out the window and he's nowhere to be seen. Like he was never there at all. I go back to my phone and decide to put some music on. The bus lets us off and in I walk through the doors of Hell for what I didn't know would be my last time being myself.

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