unhappy; yesung

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Yesung was with the boys of Super Junior getting ready for their SS7 concert

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Yesung was with the boys of Super Junior getting ready for their SS7 concert. He looked at himself in the mirror with a small frown on his face as he was fixing his outfit. 

"Yesung? What's up with you?" Eunhyuk asked as he walked over to see a sulking Yesung. 

"Nothing." He mumbled. "Just tired." He added. Eunhyuk frowned and shook his head. 

"We've known each other for over a decade. I know you are lying." Eunhyuk pointed out. 

"I just don't want to talk about it," Yesung said. 

Eunhyuk frowned and nodded his head. He then walked off to the others. Donghae, Siwon, and Heechul were together talking. He walked over to them with a frown. 

"Is everything okay, Eunhyuk?" Siwon asked.

"It's Yesung. He isn't very happy today. I mean, I know he hasn't been happy recently, but it seems he is more depressed today." Eunhyuk explained. 

"I don't think his online lover has called him today." Donghae pointed out. "He has been on his phone non-stop till we had to get ready for the concert." He added. 

"I honestly don't think he is real," Heechul said. 

"Why?" Donghae asked. 

"He doesn't talk about him with us and we have never seen pictures of him. We also don't hear who is on the other line. All we know is that they met online." Heechul pointed out. 

"Why would he lie about that?" Siwon asked. Heechul just shrugged his shoulder. 

What the group didn't notice is that Yesung overheard their whole conversation as he walked over to them. 

"Yah!" Yesung yelled making everyone around him jump. The boys looked at him. Heechul looked guilty. "My personal life is none of your business so stop talking about it behind my back." He said sternly. 

Yesung then stormed off trying his best not to have his tears fall. 

Siwon and Eunhyuk turned towards Heechul and glared at him. 

"You know that you have to apologize to him," Siwon said. 

"Yeah. This is your fault." Eunhyuk added. Heechul sighed softly and nodded his head. 

"Yeah. I know." He mumbled guiltily. 

Yesung was in the bathroom crying softly to himself. He then heard his phone go off. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and smiled small when he saw it was his boyfriend calling.

He answered the phone and slightly sniffled. 

"You are late," Yesung mumbled.  A soft chuckle could be heard on the other line. 

"I know. I'm sorry. Something came up." The man said. Yesung hummed in acknowledgment. "What's the matter, baby?" He asked. 

"Nothing. I just wish you were here." Yesung replied. 

"I do too." The man said. "But I know that isn't the only thing wrong." He added. Yesung sighed softly. He knew he couldn't lie to him. 

"I'm not happy, August," Yesung mumbled. "I'm not happy with performing and singing. I'm also upset with you?"

"Why are you upset with me?" August asked. 

"We've been talking for over a year now and we haven't met face to face. I feel like you don't love me as much as I love you." Yesung said sadly. 

"Baby. I love you very much. I don't know where I would be without you." August said. Yesung hummed not really believing what he said. "Yesung." He said. 

There was a knock on the bathroom door. Yesung looked up. 

"Yesung. We are 5 minutes away from going on." Heechul called out. Yesung sighed softly. 

"I have to go. We'll talk to you later." Yesung said before hanging up on August. He then stands up and cleans his face quickly.

[ Time Skip ] 

The concert is over and the boys walked backstage tired and sweaty. Yesung was still upset and it was kind of noticeable on stage. 

Heechul grabbed Yesung's arm making him turn to him. 

"Yesung..." Heechul mumbled softly. Yesung looked at him with a blank stare. Heechul frowned softly and sighed. "Listen. I am so sorry about earlier. You have the right to be mad at me." He started. 

"I know I do," Yesung mumbled. 

"Again. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Heechul said. Yesung sighed softly and nodded his head. 

"I forgive you." He replied. Heechul smiled at him. 

"Yesung. Someone is here for you." Leeteuk called. Yesung looked confused as he wasn't expecting anyone to show up to tonights home. Heechul noticed Yesung's face. 

"Were you expecting anyone?" He asked. Yesung shook his head. Heechul walked over to the other room with Yesung following close behind. 

"Yesung!" Shindong called. "Since when did you know August Takahashi from Shi Wonderland." Yesung's eyes widen when he heard the name. He ran past Heechul into the room to see August, his boyfriend standing there with a single rose. 

August, part of a Japanese rock band, stands 6'1. He has big eyes, bunny teeth, and dyed blonde hair with his brown roots slightly showing. 

"Hey, baby boy?" August said. Tears start welling up in Yesung's eyes. Yesung ran over to him and hugged him tightly. August chuckled softly and hugged back kissing the top of his head. The boys of Super Junior are around them and they were all in shock. 

"Wait...Is he-" Ryeowook mumbled. 

"You're Yesung's guardian angel?" Donghae pointed. Yesung's cheeks became a deep shade of red. August looked down at Yesung. 

"Is that what you call me to your friends?" He asked. Yesung just nodded his head. August grabbed his face and made Yesung look at him in the eye. "Well, you are my guardian angel." He whispered softly and kissed him softly. 

The boys of Super Junior are whistling and hollering. Yesung pulled away blushing like a mad man. August leaned down towards his ear. 

"I love you. Never think anything different." August whispered. A smile appeared on Yesung's face. He feels a lot better today. 

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