What's that. An Art book. Oh you say it's good right??? Oh naw it must be @Emilysugarcane or maybe @FuzzyDaGamer or possibly @blaise303 or @hirothesoulless. Wait what you say it's @Midnight_101_ oh you need glasses then honey because this art is tra...
Ya know it really does suck I'm sorry GayCancer but okay.
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I couldn't find a light enough pink until I used the pink.....so ya
Name= Theo
hair style: Long or short hair: Hair colour: Skin type: Eyes: Body type: whole body or just shoulders up: Skin details: (egt. Freckles,scars etc...) Describe the clothes: Glasses yes or no: Nose type: First Name of Charcter: Gender: Who knows maybe next time you read this I might've draw your character.