Chapter 6

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Rory and Finn walked to the table, and she was sure anyone who saw them was wondering what on earth was happening. She wanted to cut and run. She couldn't do this...she couldn't sit across from Logan knowing that her new friend was his fiancé.

Dee was the first to speak, "Finn??? You're Rory's friend?"

He nodded, "Odette. Logan."

As if Rory hadn't already pieced it together, with the details confirmed, the dread set in.

Dee looked at him, "Logan, surely you know Rory then?"

He just stared at her and nodded. Apparently neither one knew what to say. She was trying to figure out what to say when the nausea that she had had a reprieve from for a few weeks rushed back, she looked pleadingly at Dee and covered her mouth, "Where's the bathroom?"

"Oh no! This way Ror, come on."

They made their way as quickly as possible to the bathroom, and Rory knelt in front of the toilet. Dee gathered up her hair and rubbed her back. When she had nothing left in her stomach, she finally sat back.  Dee grabbed a paper cup and filled it, then wet a paper towel.

"Rory, are you ok?"

She nodded. "So Odette is you're real name?"

Dee nodded, "I've always hated it. My parents made me use it in school, but I try to use Dee as much as possible now. Why do I get the feeling that there's something I don't know?" Rory tried to figure out how to say it, but apparently she wasn't quick enough because a look of understanding dawned on Dee's face. "You're Ace...Logan is the baby daddy."

Rory nodded, and Dee offered her hand to help her up, then led her to a bench seat. "I'm so sorry Dee, I was so happy to have you as a friend. I've felt so isolated here, which is mostly my fault, but between you and Finn I was starting to feel at home."

Dee put her arm around her, "there's no reason we can't be friends anymore."

Rory snorted, "right! Why would you want to be friends with the girl who slept with your fiancé on a regular basis?"

"Well I didn't know that it was on a regular basis, but I slept with other guys so it would be a bit hypocritical to toss you because of that."

"I'm pregnant...if you marry Logan you'll be a stepmom."

"Well I don't expect to actually marry Logan, but if I did...shit happens. At this point I doubt that I'll be having children of my own."

They sat there for awhile longer, Dee with her arm around Rory, and Rory with her head on Dee's shoulder. Eventually someone knocked on the door, and Finn's voice came through, "Are you ladies ok?"

"I guess my time is up," Rory said as she stood. "I'm not sure that I can have dinner at all tonight, let alone sit across from Logan at this point, but I do need to talk to him."

Dee simply nodded, "you need to talk to him alone. Can I give him your number?"

"He has it, I never changed it."

Dee nodded and hugged her tightly, then helped her up. "I'll tell him to call you and set something up."

"Ok," Rory opened the door and looked at Finn. "I'm not feeling well, would you mind taking me home?"

"Of course love."

Without a backwards glance, they walked out of the restaurant. He asked if she would be ok alone once they got back. She nodded and apologized for the wrecked evening then went in and changed into her pajamas. Everything was so weird now. She couldn't help but wonder how things could possibly get worse until she heard a knock at the door.

Assuming it was Finn, she opened it, "I said I'd be fine Finn." When she looked up, it wasn't Finn, but Logan.

"Rory. Odette said you needed to talk to me. It sound like I shouldn't wait."

She opened the door the rest of the way and motioned for him to come in. They sat down in the living room across from each other, and when they finally spoke, it was at the same time.

"So you and Finn?"

"I'm pregnant."

Logan looked like he had just been slapped. Rory put her hand over her mouth. She hadn't meant to just blurt it out.  She suspected he was going to need a few minutes to process, so she stood and walked to him.  She squeezed his hand, "I'll make some decaf. Take your time."

She went about making the coffee in the kitchen.  Lorelai had finally found her some decaf that tasted almost as good as regular.  Rory had been eternally grateful and drank it all the time.  After about ten minutes, she returned with a cup for Logan and a cup for herself.  In an effort to seem less closed off, she sat on the couch with him at the opposite end. 

He still looked pretty shocked but finally spoke, "this is a stupid question, but I assume it's half me?"

She chuckled a little, "yes Logan.  The baby is both yours and mine."

"How are you not freaking out right now?"

"Well I have spent a lot of time being freaked out, but I feel better now that I've told you."  He nodded, so she continued, "Logan...this is where I give you the classic 'you can be as involved as you want to be' speech, but the biggest thing I need you to understand is that there is no 'us' in the romantic sense from this point forward.  I need the baby to experience a stable relationship between its parents."

Logan nodded, then finally said, "I understand...Rory do you mind if I think about this for awhile before we really talk?  I think I need some time to process..."

Rory nodded and moved towards the door while he followed, "you know where to find me."

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