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I went over the plan in my head once more before grabbing my pre packed backpack and quietly sneaking out of my window, shocked that I was actually doing this, finally.

The whole time I was running from my house I didn't look back once. I was halfway down the deserted dirt road about a mile from my house when I stopped at the place I was supposed to meet my friend, and after about 5 minutes and a couple cigarettes, he showed up.

"Hey, thank you so much by the way" I said to my friend Josh as I hopped in his truck, he was pretty much the only one who knew how bad my home life actually was, how bad it had gotten.

"Don't thank me, I needed to make sure you were safe, and staying in that house is certainly not a safe environment for you" the 21 year old beside me spoke quietly but firmly, to this day I'm still very surprised that he puts up with me, I mean not many people have the patience for a 17 year old problematic teenager.

"Well I'm going to thank you anyways Joshua" he shuddered and let a small smile out after I said his full name, which then made me smile in return.

Although that smile soon turned into a frown as we pulled into the airport, and I realized I would have to say goodbye soon, apparently he realized it too as his expression mirrored my own.

I leaned over and gave my best friend a hug, and started crying like the pathetic human I had become.

"Hey, hey, I'm only a call away, or if you're really desperate I'll fly over, it's only 7 hours, that's barely half a day" he said which made me smile a little and pull back to look at him, "You'd fly there for me?" I asked and he smiled and nodded
"Of course I would. You're my best friend, I don't think there's anything I wouldn't do for you, punk" he said, using the nickname he's had for me for years and years

"Thank you...again" I said and gave him one last hug before leaving the truck and walking into the airport, sitting down in the waiting area as I checked on my phone to make sure that everything was set for me for once I got to Finland, ya know the apartment and what not and making sure my roommate isn't a total douche, over the internet he seemed nice enough, I can only hope the real life version of this guy is the same. But knowing my luck, he won't be.

I waited until I heard the flight for Finland announcement, before getting up and going through the regular procedure before boarding the plane, with my small carry on bag and my skateboard, see I didn't want to travel with much, just a few belongings, I mostly wanted to leave my life and the reminders of it behind me, completely.

For a few hours I had tried to fall asleep, with music blaring in my ears because that's what usually works, but I guess this time was different, because I could not stop shifting in my seat, and this continued until the lady spoke over the intercom "We will be landing shortly, please put all devices away and fasten your seat belts" and so I did as I was told, sighing in relief when we finally did land. And no I don't have a fear of planes, But I have ADHD and I can't handle having to sit still for so long.

Walking out of the airport, I looked for a guy with brown hair and dressed sort of gothic like, at least that's what he said to look for, with a sign that had my name on it in big letters (Ashley).

Surprisingly I discovered the man rather quickly, finding that he was very attractive. I walked over to him and did a little wave and an internal face palm following the wave. He smiled and led me out to his car, opening the door for me like a gentleman, which to be honest shocked me, it was rare to find guys like this nowadays, I thanked him and got inside.

I stared at him for a minute, he looked so familiar, but from where? It was on the tip of my tongue but I decided I wouldn't say anything for a bit, not wanting to freak him out before we even arrived at our now shared apartment-well I thought it was apartment but apparently not-.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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