Chapter 13: Decision

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"Idiot." Golden has repeated about a dozen times already sitting on the big rock with his arms crossed. Almost like he pouting. I roll my eyes.

Seeing my reaction, Golden snaps, "What?!"

"I didn't say anything, but since you brought it up, would you recap what happened after you dropped me off. You know, explain the reasons why your in your "moody, hormonal teenager" stage."

About four hours after I was dropped off, golden came stomping into view from the lake, repeating the word "idiot" over and over. Based on the fact he wasn't with Fiera, I'd say it was about her.

Golden's face becomes furious. "You want to know what happened? Fiera ditched us. Threw us away like trash. I don't even know why I tried to get her to stay." He says, for once voicing his thoughts. The boys had gathered around him, and started to protest, thinking she actually ditched us. Again, I role my eyes.

"Can you tell us the true, less exaggerated version? And we all know the real reason why you wanted her to stay, though, you being you, probably are oblivious or to stubborn to realize it."

He looks at me with a question on his face, doubtful, having calmed himself down a little. "And how do you know the reason why, when I don't even know why?"

I grin to myself as I think of something that would irritate golden. "Tony knows everything. Tony knows all." I say in third person, while wiggling my eyebrows, and wiggling my figures in front of my face for effect.

Knowing that he wouldn't do the normal 'teenage bro push to the side thing,' I step behind an unfortunate soul who gets a blast of light to the gut. I laugh. Expecting to see a glaring face, I look at Golden to see the corner of his mouth twitch in a suppressed smile. Just as quickly, he covers it up with a scowl. I smile, in spite of myself. Golden's changed in the past half year, and I know exactly who changed him.

Composing himself with taking a deep breath, Golden says, "What happened is we talked to the prez. and the first thing that came out of his mouth was, 'now that we found Fiera, how are we going to protect her?' I started to argue with him, and when he asked me 'are you really going to risk your friends getting killed because,' Fiera interrupts with 'of me.'" Hearing this, the boys to protest again.

Wanting to hear what happened next, I raise my voice over the noise, "So what happened next?"

'Huff.' "She started to go on about how we all only want her power and that everyone was only protecting her because of it. Not really protecting her, but her power. Then, what's his name, something to do with a crab, agreed with it pretty much. He asked what she wanted to do. She was quiet for a minute. Suddenly, she looks at me and says, 'I may have only got to stay with you guys because of my power, and maybe that all you guys cared about, but you guys made me feel like I belonged for once, and made me happy. So that's why I've decided to go home with my parents.'"

The boys all become quiet, not for sure what to say. So she feels like she's a burden to us, that's why she left. I think about that comment and decide to take the initiative and say, "Golden, you know how you said you didn't know why you wanted Fiera to stay?"

Golden raises an eyebrow at my question, responding with, "Yeah. What about it?"

"I can tell you the reason why we, Teenage Impossible, wanted her to stay. We didn't want her to stay because of her powers. We wanted her to stay because she's a fellow Mutant. A friend. And most of all, she's a part of our little family. Though, some of this 'family' wants her because she is a girl and some do have crushes." I say with a grin as some of the boys start to blush, but they also started to pitch in saying "yeah."

With a suppressed, amused grin, golden says, "Ok. We'll take a vote then. All in favor of what Tony said, say 'Aye'."

"Aye!" The boys say in unison.

"All against, same sound."

Just imagine the sound of crickets.

"Then I guess majority vote says we're just going to have to get her back." Replies Golden. The boys start to cheer and whoop.

"But.." They boys begin to groan.

Golden continues, "First, we're going to have to train hard, so we can prove we can protect her. While we do that, we'll keep an eye on Fiera. I don't really trust that president of Impossible."

Cheers rise and immediately the boys start training, right here and now.

I walk up to Golden, who stays sitting. Noticing the same side twitch of his mouth, I state more then ask, "So you like Fiera now."

The little bit of a smile Golden had vanishes in an instant.

"No! My opinion of her hasn't changed. It was majority vote. I had to go with it." He gets up and walks away, not wanting to talk about it any further.

I grin a cheshire grin.

"Excuses. Excuses."

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