The team mate

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I stabbed the minions one by one as my health started draining, I was gonna die, I knew I would but then suddenly a widespread BOOM! Shook the whole cave I turned around as I saw a person wearing a robe and holding a spell. I looked at his foot : Deathzill. "Hi-ii Dea-tthhzill." He waved his hands and destroyed the remaining minions. He wasn't evil he wasn't mean, he was just a friendly person, minding his own business. I said my thanks and I ran at Dreadstump getting my shield ready, at stunned him and heard a faint argh. I circled around him and attacked from the back leaving a trail of blood as he tried to run away. The mighty wizard aimed and shot his spell. Dreadstump blew up.. His guts flew everywhere. I was disgusted but also proud. I picked up a sword from the pink bag. I smiled at it and left the pirate cave. As I walked away from the beach I heard a distant scream " WAAAIIIITTT aren't you going to adventure with me?? I just saved your life!", I turned around and saw the player Deathzill trying to run. he soon caught up. I replied "Uhm sure...", I turned and said "Lets go to the mid-lands it will be a blast! "If your willing to die." He joked and followed me as I lead him to the midlands.

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