The emo freak chp 3

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The emo freak yep that's what they call me

chp 3

Harmony's pov

so maybe I didn't punch her, but I wanted to. I sat down in the back of the classroom. The guy one seat over leaned over and whispered in my ear.

I forgot my guitar so I didn't do anything in class. After the class was finished we had five minutes to do whatever we wanted before the bell rang. I took out my head phones and started to listen to lamb of god. I got past the first verse when I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I look up, and it's Cole. My heart skips a beat when I realize it's him.

"What do you want?" I say sharply.

Claire(prep girl)'s pov

I leaned over to my bestfriend Sasha.

"OMG what a skank!" I said sounding discusted.

"I know right! She's so ugly and look at those clothes! All black! Are you kidding me! She's not even talking to him. Why is he even trying?"Sasha said.

" She's probably trying to play hard to get. I saw her talking to him earlier in the hallway. Haha as if that would help! We are totally about to date anyway"I said confidently

" Totally" Sasha said

Oh and if she trys, I thought, she's going to have a very bad year.

Cole's pov

Oh my god. She was..... Beautiful. I went to the back of the room to talk to her. "Hey" I said. She didn't look up so I tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up with those midnight blue eyes, and I thought I was going to faint.

"what do you want" she said harshly.

"hi I'm Cole" I said stupidly.

"yea I know we already met remember?" Harmony said looking at me questionably.

I feel like an idiot" oh yea so where are you from?" I asked trying to find more out about her. Then the bell rang. She quickly shoved her Ipod into her purse and hurried out of the classroom. I watched her till the door closed behind her. I was about to go get my stuff when I felt some ones's arms go around my waist.

" Hey baby" I heard Claire's terrible voice say from behind me. Great just what I needed.

"Don't call me baby" shrugging her disgusting arms off me. I used to think she was hot. That's before I found out her personality. I glaced back at her right before I walked out the door. Her cheerleader minions were comforting her. I scoffed and headed to my next class.

Harmony's pov

It was really hard to talk to him. I was being stupid. He would never like me anyway, not that it mattered.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Cole had math, history, and reading with me. Not that I care. A girl tried to talk to me in French class but I ignored her. She seemed pretty nicebut I just didn't feel like talking to anyone. As I walked home from school I was thinking of Cole. Then I mentally slapped myself. Life is to comlicated as it is. I got to my house and my mom's car was out front. I walked in the door cautiously. I looked at the beer bottles and got to work when I was almost finished my mom came out of her bedroom grogaly looking around the room. "Whats this!!? She yelled walking over to me. "Mom I'm almost finished!" I said trying to sound confident. "your so lazzy! I ask you to do one liittle thing for me and you just sit around and wait till the last second to start! You ungrateful waist of space!" she yelled taking her right arm and punching me in the stomach. I fell to the ground and she kicked me hard on my arm.

"Im going to get some beer, you better have finished cleaning up and be out of my sight by the time I get back!" she said menacingly and walked out the door after grabbing her keys. I looked at my arm. The bruise was already forming. I slowly got upwith a lot of pain and finished cleaning. After I finished I went to my room and grabbed what I needed for the shower. After I was done shaving, I took the razor and brought it to my wrists. I cut once for my life sucking. The pain was there but I ignored. I can't control my mom hitting me, I can't control the people at school or my dad leaving when I was five. But I can control this. That's all I thought about as I watched the blood mix with water and swirl down the drain.


so there's chapter 3 hope you like it

The emo freak yep that's what they call meWhere stories live. Discover now